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Bob Saget, Bluntly

The comic comes to Seneca Allegany Casino this weekend

It takes a lot of adaptive skills to go from playing a wholesome, Brady-bunch style father on Full House to playing a crackhead in Half Baked. It takes some serious guts to go from America’s Funniest Home Videos presenter to a roastee on Comedy Central. Bob Saget has made his career by adjusting from TV father to blue comedian, bringing his audience with him. This week I talked to the 55-year-old comic about his infamous role in The Aristocrats, his adaptive comedy skills, and peer pressure. Saget will perform his stand-up routine at 7pm at the Seneca Allegany Casino on Saturday, April 14.

AV: There is a song by Jamie Kennedy called “Rollin’ with Saget” on your website. The lyrics go “This night started just like that, except Jamie’s in the driver’s seat, Saget’s in the back seat rollin a blunt.” At this point in your career, how difficult would it be to find someone to roll your blunts for you?

Saget: Well, that is an interesting question. I think I would actually get a trained animal of some kind. Like a marsupial, a raccoon, or possums. To me that would be hilarious, to get like a Disney version of your guy, whoever takes care of you, your homie. I don’t really know, I’m not a smoker; I don’t condemn it or anything, though. People think I’m a pothead but I don’t have the lung capacity. I remember smoking a blunt years ago, though, it was weird. I was doing an event with Jamie Kennedy, ironically—it was when the WB network existed. I was with him and Jason George, and we were in Philadelphia and we were backstage with a group called Nappy Roots, which was an interesting hip-hop group. I had seen blunts before but never one that looked that big. It was the biggest blunt I’d ever seen, and I was kind of peer-pressured into taking a hit off of it.

AV: Maybe that’s where Jamie got the inspiration for the song. What happens when someone comes to see your standup thinking they’re going to see the Bob Saget of Full House but they actually get the Bob Saget of The Aristocrats?

Saget: Well, I’m not really the Bob Saget of the Aristocrats. That was really foul. That was just an odd circumstance. That was so dirty because that’s about a family who will do anything to get into show business. As far as the Full House thing, that was 25 years ago, and God is that a scary thing to think about. That was a character I played. I was on Conan once and we made the point that if you’re playing the part of Hannibal Lecter you don’t necessarily eat people, though Conan pointed out that Anthony Hopkins actually does eat people. But Danny Tanner was a part, and I played it to the best of my ability. What’s weird is I don’t mind doing family stuff, but then I go off and do this other thing, so I compartmentalize my audience in a way. My audience ranges from like 15 years old to dead. I get old people who come to my show because they just want to see someone talk dirty. And I’m not even dirty for the sake of it; I just do what I find funny. I’m getting less and less blue as I watch our culture change, too.

AV: When did you realize that you were a blue comic? Was this something you were always into, even before Full House? Or was this something that developed?

Saget: My act, if you can call it an act, but my performance piece, or whatever the hell it was when I would go on stage, was always strange. I was a likeable-looking young guy; I looked like a pre-med major, which I actually was for a while. I used to say stuff like “I have no act and I have no life and live in a car.” I used to say I had the brain of a German shepherd and the body of a 16-year-old boy, and they’re both in my car and I want you to see them. And it would just be these long run-on scat kind of things. Scat in the riffing sense not as in poo. Now I’ve combined them. That’s the beauty of The Aristocrats; it has both definitions of scat. But I guess at the same time I was doing Full House and the video show, I did an HBO special where I was dropping the F-bomb quite a bit and annoying some people with my blueness, but at that time HBO wasn’t as popular. It was popular for comics and comedy but it wasn’t a true alternative to the networks.

AV: You’ve got a million and a half followers on Twitter. That is pretty huge.

Saget: What should I do with them all? We’re going to rob a liquor store.

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