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Hungover for the Holidays

Even the most disciplined among us occasionally has a little too much celebration and the inevitable hangover ensues. Here are some tips to help prevent and treat your holiday hangovers:

■ Before a night of drinking it is always advisable to eat. A full stomach will help slow the absorption of alcohol into your bloodstream. Fatty foods are best as they will stick to the stomach lining longer. An old world method of lining the digestive tract is to take a teaspoon of olive oil before drinking. Another good preparation is to take a good multivitamin with plenty of vitamin C and B.

■ There are a few over-the-counter hangover prevention pills you might want to try. Among the best of these is Sob’r-K Hangover Stopper. It is one of the least expensive and has the highest amount of activated carbon, which acts as a filter for congeners in alcohol. Congeners are a byproduct of the fermentation process. The darker the alcohol, the more congeners it will have. (Sticking to clear liquors, and white wine instead of red, will help lessen the possibility of hangovers.) The carbon attaches itself to the congeners and helps prevent them from being absorbed through the stomach and intestines.

■ It has been suggested that the real benefit in these pills is that they require you to drink large amounts of water before, during and after your alcohol consumption. Hydration is key to battling hangovers, so with or without the pills, be sure to consume lots of water. Before you go to bed, take some aspirin or ibuprofen with a large glass of water. Avoid acetaminophen such as Tylenol as it can create more toxins in the liver, which is already busy battling the booze.

■ So you still wake up feeling rotten, what can you do now? While your stomach may not relish the idea of putting food into it, certain foods can help. Eggs contain a high amount of the amino acid cysteine. This is very helpful in fighting a toxin called acetaldehyde, which is produced when alcohol is metabolized in the liver. Our bodies naturally make cysteine, but it is quickly depleted, especially when large amounts of alcohol are consumed. Cysteine can also be taken in pill form, available at most health food stores.

■ Bananas and orange juice are also good. They replace lost electrolytes, especially potassium. If you like sports drinks such as Gatorade, they will also work to replace electrolytes, sugar and salt. It is also a good idea to take more vitamins, particularly vitamin B and C. It’s probably best to avoid too much coffee. While it will help wake you up, and even help with a headache, the caffeine can cause even more dehydration. Limiting your coffee intake to one cup is best.

Of course, the best cure for any hangover is time and rest. No matter what methods you use to nurse your hangover, your body will still need time to clean out the toxins. The best prevention of a hangover is moderation. By all means, enjoy your holiday parties, but avoid overindulging. Most importantly, if you do tip a few too many, give your keys to a (sober) friend, or call a taxi, so you’ll get home safely to enjoy your hangover in the morning.
