BAREFOOT IN THE PARK, comedy by Neil Simon presented by Aurora Players, directed by Patricia Hoefler, starring Suzie Hibbard, Joel Murphy, Jessica K. Rasp, Michael Breen, Chris Cummins. Mar 4-20, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 2:30. Roycroft Pavilion in Hamlin Park, East Aurora (687-6727).
THE HAPPIEST SONG PLAYS LAST, play by Quiara Alegría Hudes presented by Raíces Theatre Company, directed by Victoria Pérez, starring Anthony Alcocer, Marta Araceli, Monish Bhattacharyya, Rolando M. Gómez, Dewel Pérez, Ana Vafai. Mar 4-13, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 6. The Manny Fried Playhouse 255 Great Arrow Ave. third Floor (238-1522)
NOISES OFF, comedy by Michael Frayn presented by Casting Hall Productions, directed by Jennifer Toohey. Mar 3-12, Thu & Fri at 8, Sat at 2 & 8. Warren Enters Theatre, Upton Hall at Buffalo State College (878-3005).
WHEN WE ARE MARRIED, comedy by J.B. Priestley presented by The Niagara Regional Theater Guild, directed by M. Joseph Fratello, starring Alaina Kulikowski, Gary Gaffney, Melanie Merrill, Chris Best, Dawn Marcolini Newton. Mar 4-20. Fri & Sat at 7:30, Sun at 3. Ellicott Creek Playhouse, 530 Ellicott Creek Rd, Tonawanda (260-2319).
CHILDREN OF EDEN, musical by Stephen Schwartz presented by Rocking Horse Productions, directed by Leigha Eichhorn, starring Clarisse Birkby, Danielle Burning, Jackson DiGiacomo, Emily DiMartino, Tom Doyle, Ryan Kaminski, Marc Krzystek, Derrik Reynolds, Valerie Stevens. Through Mar 13, Fri & Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:30. Lancaster Opera House, 21 Central Ave., Lancaster (683-1776).
THE CITY OF CONVERSATION, play by Anthony Giardina directed by Robert Waterhouse, starring Kristen Tripp Kelley, Adriano Gatto, Aleks Malejs, Debbie Pappas Sham, Steve Jakiel, Loraine O’Donnell, Aaron Moss, David Lundy, Joel Fesmire, Tyler Eisenmann. Through Mar 20, Thu & Fri at 7:30, Sat at 3:30 & 7:30, Sun at 2.Kavinoky Theatre, 320 Porter Ave. (829-7668).
LOAD MORE GUYS, world premiere of the play with music written and directed by Todd Warfield, presented by Buffalo United Artists, starring Michael Seitz, Tyler Brown, Joey Bucheker, Sean Marciniak, Aaron Mrowka, Sean Murphy, David Spychalski, Bebe Bvlgari. Through Mar 12, Fri & Sat at 8. Alleyway Theatre, One Curtain Up Alley (886-9239).
THE SHIPMENT, play by Young Jean Lee presented by Torn Space, directed by Dan Shanahan, starring Dudney Joseph, Danica Riddick, Peter Johnson, Greg Howze, Roosevelt Tidwell. Through Mar 12, Thu-Sat at 7:30 (Feb 26 & Mar 4 at 7), plus Mar 13 at 7:30. Adam Mickiewicz Library and Dramatic Circle, 612 Fillmore Ave. (812-1733).
EL HAJJ MALIK, play by N.R. Davidson presented by Ujima, directed by Lorna C. Hill, starring Brian Brown, Perris Fortson, Preach Freedom, Tuhran Gethers, Tanika Holmes, Daisy Medina, Shanntina Moore, Zoe Viola Scruggs. Through Mar 6, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 6. Alleyway’s Main Street Cabaret, 672 Main St. (281-0092).
NEVER WEAR A TUBE TOP WHILE RIDING A MECHANICAL BULL, comedy starring Dixie Longate presented by Shea’s and Albert Nocciolino. Through Mar 6, Thu at 7:30, Fri at 8, Sat at 4 & 8, Sun at 2 & 6. Shea’s Smith Theatre, 658 Main St. (1-800-745-3000).
BEAUTIFUL, THE CAROLE KING MUSICAL, touring production of the Broadway musical presented by Shea’s and Albert Nocciolino. Mar 15-20, Tue-Thu at 7:30, Fri at 8, Sat at 2 & 8, Sun at 2 & 7. Shea’s Performing Arts Center, 646 Main St. (1-800-745-3000).
DEATH OF A SALESMAN, drama by Arthur Miller presented by Western Door Playhouse. Mar 11-20, Fri & Sat at 2:30, Sun at 2:30. Woodbox Theatre, Niagara Arts and Cultural Center, 1201 Pine Ave., Niagara Falls (297-5910).
THE HOUSE OF BLUE LEAVES, play by John Guare presented by American Repertory Theater of WNY, directed by Drew McCabe, starring Diane DiBernardo Blenk, Robert Ernie Insana, Scot A Kaitanowski, Maura Nolan, Mara Morris, Rick Lattimer, Virginia Brannon, Erica Lorenzetti, Lisa Semper. Mar 10-Apr 2, Thu-Sat at 8. 330 Amherst St. (697-0837)
THE LION, THE WITCH, AND THE WARDROBE, adapted from the novel by C.S. Lewis, presented by Theatre of Youth, directed by Chris Kelly. Mar 11 at 7. Mar 12-Apr 3, Sat at 10 a.m. & 2, Sun at 2 (no 10 a.m. show on Mar 12). Allendale Theatre, 203 Allen St. (884-4400).
SAFE, world premiere of the play by Donna Hoke, directed by Kyle LoConti, starring Christopher Evans, Michele Benzin, Matthew Gilbert, Lisa Ludwig, Jesse Tiebor. Mar 11-Apr 3, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2 (no performance Mar 27). Road Less Traveled Theater, 500 Pearl St. (629-3069)
WIESENTHAL, play written by and starring Tom Dugan. Mar 17-20, Thu at 7:30, Fri at 8, Sat at 2 & 8, Sun at 2 & 7. 710 Main Theatre, 710 Main St. (1-800-745-3000).