CHUCKY’S UNIVERSE, musical written and directed by Sam Fadel, presented by Western Door Playhouse, starring Cade Mongielo, Dawn Ansel, George White, DeVante Wallace, Tim Bookhagen, Chris Mongielo, Tom Turici, James Murphy, Bob Priest, Sami Granieri. Oct 7-16, Fri & Sat at 7:30, Sun. at 2:30. Woodbox Theatre, Niagara Arts and Cultural Center, 1201 Pine Ave. at Portage Rd. (297-5910).
FINDING NEVERLAND, touring production of the Broadway musical presented by Shea’s and Albert Nocciolino. Previews Oct 7 & 8 at 7. Oct 9-15, Sun at 2 & 7, Tue-Thu at 7:30, Fri at 8, Sat at 2 & 8. Shea’s Performing Arts Center, 646 Main St. (1-800-745-3000).
LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS, musical by Ashman & Menken presented by Aurora Players, directed by David Hall, starring John Szablewski, Daniel Keith Barone, Mark Eckstein, Jason Gonser, Joe Harris, Zachary James Haumesser, Paige Ronan, Isabella Ruof, Caroline Schettler, Rachel Wach. Oct 7-29, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 2:30. Roycroft Pavilion in Hamlin Park, East Aurora (687-6727).
BREAST IN SHOW, musical by Lisa Hayes & Joan Cushing presented by O’Connell & Company, directed by Drew McCabe, starring Mary Craig, Laurel Flynn, Tammy Hayes McGovern, Arlynn Knauff, Nick Lama, Bryan Patrick Stoyle. Through Oct 30, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:30. The Park School, 4625 Harlem Road, Snyder (848-0800).
FANCY NANCY: THE MUSICAL, by Danny Abosch and Susan DiLallo, based on the book by Jane O’Connor, presented by Theatre of Youth, directed by Michael Walline, starring Sarah Blewett, Dominique Kempf, Jenny McCabe, Sara Marioles, Matthew Gilbert, Hannah Sharp. Through Oct 23, Sat & Sun at 2, plus Oct 22 at 10:00 a.m. Allendale Theatre, 203 Allen St. (884.4400).
JITNEY, play by August Wilson directed by Willie Judson, starring Fisher, Andy Finley, Christina Foster, Johnny Rowe, Leon Copeland, Charles Everhart, Roosevelt Tidwell, Al Garrison. Through Oct 23, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 4. Paul Robeson Theatre at the African American Cultural Center, 350 Masten Ave. (884-2013).
URINETOWN!, musical by Hollmann & Kotis presented by Subversive Theatre, directed by Jeffrey Coyle, starring Ryan Kaminski, Jenn Stafford, Michael Starzynski, Jeffrey Coyle, Erin Coyle, Susana Breese, Bethany Burrows Gruendike, Tyler Brown, Michael Wachowiak, Chris Andreana, Matt Mooney, Jennel Pruneda, Jake Hayes, Dave Spychalski, Sara Jo Kukulka. Through Oct 15, Thu-Sat at 8. The Manny Fried Playhouse, 255 Great Arrow Ave., third floor (408-0499).
DEAR LYDIA, world premiere of a play by Larry Gray, directed by Neal Radice, starring David C. Mitchell, Melissa Leventhal, Louise Reger. Through Oct 8, Thu-Sat at 7:30. Alleyway Theatre, One Curtain Up Alley (852-2600).
GYPSY, musical by Styne, Sondheim & Laurents, directed by Chris Kelly, starring Jonas Barranca, Allison Barsi, Charmagne Chi, Doug Crane, Arianne Davidow, Maria Droz, Jordan Louis Fischer, John Fredo, Sabrina Kahwaty, Marina Laurendi, Loraine O’Donnell, Michele Marie Roberts, Dan Urtz, Faith Walh. Through Oct 9, Wed & Thu at 7, Fri at 7:30, Sat at 3:30 & 7:30, Sun at 2. MusicalFare Theatre, 4380 Main St., Amherst (839-8540).
HEDDA GABLER, drama by Ibsen presented by Buffalo State Theater Department, directed by Donn Youngstrom. Through Oct 8, Wed-Fri at 8, Sat at 2 & 8. Flexible Theatre, Savage Theater and Communication Building, college campus (878-3005).
JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT, musical by Tim Rice & Andrew Lloyd Webber, presented by Theatre in the Mist, directed by Joey Bucheker, starring Anthony Lafornara, Sára Kovácsi, Amy Teal, Samuel Fesmire, Adam M. Wall, Ryan Darnell, Quinn McGillion, Through Oct 9, Fri & Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2. Stella Niagara Education Park, 4421 Lower River Road, Lewiston. (1-877-856-0694)
LIPS TOGETHER, TEETH APART, play by Terrence McNally directed by Greg Natale, starring Candice Kogut, Richard Lambert, Kelli Bocock-Natale, Eric Rawski. Through Oct 8, Thu-Sat at 8. New Phoenix Theatre, 95 Johnson Park (853-1334).
LOUISIANA BACCHAE, adapted and directed by Robert Waterhouse, presented by Red Thread Theatre, starring Christian Brandjes, Eileen Dugan, Greg Howze, Geoff Pictor, Bonnie Jean Taylor, Harold White. Through Oct 8, Thu-Sat at 8. Jim Bush Studios, 44 17th St. (445-4653).
SWEET BIRD OF YOUTH, play by Tennessee Williams presented by the Irish Classical Theatre Company, directed by Fortunato Pezzimenti, starring Patrick Cameron, Aleks Malejs, Stan Klimecko, Renee Landrigan, Colleen Gaughan, Bethany Sparacio, Gerry Maher, Jacob Albarella, Adam Yellen, Ray Boucher, Ron Mangum. Through Oct 9, Thu & Fri at 7:30, Sat at 3 & 7:30, Sun at 2. Andrews Theatre, 625 Main St. (853-ICTC).
EXTREMITIES, drama by William Mastrosimone presented by Desiderio’s Dinner Theatre, directed by Jay Desiderio, starring Lisa Ludwig, Patrick Moltane, Lisa Hinca, Kelly Cammarata. Through Nov 13, evening shows arrival at 6, show at 7:30; matinee shows arrival at 1, show at 2:30. Bobby J’s Italian American Grille, 204 Como Park Blvd., Cheektowaga (395-3207).
CHRISTMAS IN JULY, world premiere of the comedy by Matthew Crehan Higgins, presented by Buffalo United Artists, directed by Lisa Ludwig, starring Kevin Craig, Kurt Erb, Higgins, Marc Sacco, Michael Seitz. Oct 14-Nov 5, Fri & Sat at 8. Alleyway Theatre, One Curtain Up Alley (886-9239).
JEKYLL AND HYDE, musical by Frank Wildhorn & Leslie Bricusse presented by Rocking Horse Productions, directed by Leigha Eichhorn, starring Anthony Alcocer, Jon May, Bob Mazierski, Sarah Mullen, Emily Yancey. Oct 14-30, Fri & Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:30. Lancaster Opera House, 21 Central Ave., Lancaster (683-1776).