Theater on the Boards

January 19, 2017


AMADEUS, play by Peter Shaffer presented by Irish Classical Theatre Company, directed by Fortunato Pezzimenti, starring Vincent O’Neill, PJ Tighe, with the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by JoAnn Falletta. Jan 20 & 21 at 8, Jan 22 at 2:30. Kleinhans Music Hall, 3 Symphony Circle (885-5000).
DIAL M FOR MURDER, thriller by Frederick Knott, directed by David Bondrow, starring Les Bailey, Alex Hunnell, Chrissy Vogric-Hunnell, Stan Klimecko, Jeremy Kreuzer, Stephen Wisker. Jan 20-Feb 4, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:30. Lancaster Opera House, 21 Central Ave., Lancaster (683-1776).
42nd STREET, touring production of the Broadway musical by Stewart, Bramble, Warren & Dubin, directed by Mark Bramble. Jan 20-22, Fri at 8, Sat at 2 & 8, Sun at 2. Shea’s Performing Arts Center, 646 Main St. (1-800-745-3000).
FRANKENSTEIN, world-premiere adaptation of the classic horror novel, written and directed by David Oliver, starring Jonas Barranca, Steve Copps, Gerry Maher, Candice Kogut, Joel Fesmire, John Profeta, Adam Yellen, Marisa Caruso. Jan 20-Feb 12, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2. Road Less Traveled Theater, 500 Pearl St. (629-3069).
Mariela In The Desert, drama by Karen Zacarías presented by Raíces Theatre Company, directed by Rebecca Ward, starring Melinda Capeles Rowe, Lissette DeJesus, Rolando Martín Gómez, Sean Marciniak, Carlos Rafael Maggiolo, Victoria Pérez. Jan 20-Feb 5, Thu at 7:30, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 6. The Manny Fried Playhouse, 255 Great Arrow Ave., 3rd floor (381-9333).
STEVE, play by Mark Gerrard presented by Buffalo United Artists, directed by Jessica K. Rasp, starring Zachary Bellus, Caitlin Coleman, Timothy Patrick Finnegan, David Granville, Eric Rawski, Michael Seitz. Jan 20-Feb 11, Fri & Sat at 8. Alleyway Theatre, One Curtain Up Alley (886-9239).

GROUNDED, one woman play by George Brant, directed by Kristen Tripp Kelley, starring Aleks Malejs. Through Jan 22, Thu & Fri at 7:30, Sat at 3:30 & 7:30, Sun at 2. Kavinoky Theatre, 320 Porter Ave. (829-7668).

Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, drama by Tennessee Williams presented by The Niagara Regional Theatre Guild, directed by Fran Newton, starring Sarah Potozniak, M. Joseph Fratello, Paul Bene, Amy Jorrisch, Ryan Morgan, Amy Feder, Lauren McGowan. Jan 27-Feb 12, Fri & Sat at 7:30, Sun at 3. Ellicott Creek Playhouse, 530 Ellicott Creek Rd. Tonawanda (260-2319).
IT SHOULDA BEEN YOU, musical by Brian Hargrove and Barbara Anselmi presented by O’Connell & Company, directed by Roger Paolini, starring Joey Bucheker, Todd Fuller, Gregory Gjurich, Bill Group, Adam Hayes, Sara Kovacsi, Pamela Rose Mangus, Mattthew Mooney, Mary Kate O’Connell, Emily Pici, Heather Reed, Rebecca Runge Dan Urtz. Jan 26-Feb 26, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:30. The Park School, 4625 Harlem Road, Snyder (848-0800).
SOPHISTICATED LADIES, musical by Duke Ellington directed by John Fredo, starring Cecelia Barron, Annette Christian, Dudney Joseph, Jr., London Lee, Katy Miner, Ben Michael Moran. Feb 1-Mar 5, Wed & Thu at 7, Fri at 7:30, Sat at 3:30 & 7:30, Sun at 2. MusicalFare Theatre, 4380 Main St., Amherst (839-8540).

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