Dear Editor,
New York State saw a 20.4 percent increase in deaths from drug overdose from 2014 to 2015. And more
than 10 million Americans report misusing opioids. Two weeks ago there were seven overdose deaths in Erie county within 24 hours. I know the power of addiction and its power destroy lives and families.
The U.S. Congress, the Administration, public health agencies and a number of states have taken
important initial steps, but we need to build on this progress and ensure that comprehensive legislation is
passed and funded appropriately.
I urge everyone in New York to contact Charles E. Schumer and encourage him to support
comprehensive policies to combat the U.S. opioid epidemic. These include improving access to
medication-assisted treatment for those who are addicted to opioids and expanding availability of
naloxone in health care settings and beyond.
We will only stem the tide of this public health crisis by advancing meaningful legislative and regulatory
William Langdon
Lackawanna, NY
Dear Artvoice,
It’s regrettable that Rep. Chris Collins continues to ignore the calls from his constituents to engage with them in a public town hall meeting. The citizens of the 27th deserve a forum to discuss their concerns, and if he won’t do the right thing and hold a town hall, we will do it for him. Despite unrelenting requests for a town hall meeting through his website, email, phone calls and the “Where’s Chris Collins?” billboard campaign, Rep. Chris Collins has stated that he “never will hold a town hall.”
Constituents of Rep. Collins and a panel of WNY policy experts will gather on their own on April 21, 2017, 7pm at the Alexander Fire Dept. Recreation Hall to participate in a town hall meeting for the 27th Congressional District. Rep. Collins was invited to the event but as of yet has not responded to indicate his attendance.
Michelle Schoeneman, Renee Sutton
Dear editor,
With the decision on where to build a train station coming soon I’d like to say the Jamie Moses article in Artvoice several weeks ago highlights the unmatched versatility that our Central Terminal offers for the future of Buffalo. As Jamie said, follow the Larkinville blueprint and neighborhood development will come.
Around 1950, Buffalo foolishly allowed the demolition of the Frank Lloyd Wright
designed Larkin Office Building. Hopefully we will not make the same mistake
with this very viable train and bus Central Terminal concept.
Restoring that terminal sends out a message that we are open for business and
continuing our renaissance. Anything less could bring us an entirely different
national image. One that tells investors and developers that progress and
resources in our area are limited and that poor rustbelt Buffalo could not afford to save their historic world class terminal.
AI Nuccio
Getzville, NY