Parlato responds to reader on his case directly; Clare Bronfman perjury discussed further

July 8, 2017

A reader commented:

The “Biggest Obstacle” for law enforcement to move against NXIVM is the ongoing case against Frank Parlato, by the FBI and the IRS, of which Clare and Sara Bronfman are named (among others) victims.

That should be taken seriously.

Mr. Parlato is doing groundbreaking reporting on this site. Life changing for many people. However, his pending prosecution is a huge obstacle for law enforcement investigations.

Mr. Parlato do you have a trial date?

You published in February that you had absolute evidence of Clare Bronfman committing perjury in your case.  If that is true, why haven’t the claims against you by her and Sara been dismissed by the Feds?

Please help us understand as complaints to any authorities will be looked at through the prism of your case. Do have a trial date? What happened when you reported Clare Bronfman’s perjury to the court?

Is a decision on Clare’s perjurious conduct pending? If your case was dismissed it would give many, many people courage.


Reply by Frank Parlato

To reply to some of your questions and points:

The “Biggest Obstacle” for law enforcement to move against NXIVM is the ongoing case against Frank Parlato, by the FBI and the IRS, of which Clare and Sara Bronfman are named (among others) victims.

This is not an insurmountable obstacle. The FBI was deceived into thinking the Bronfmans are “victims” when they are, in fact, perpetrators of crimes. The FBI now has two choices: Marshal on by presenting the Bronfmans as victims in the face of wide-spread evidence to the contrary – or go for justice and bring Clare Bronfman to trial and dismiss the case against me.

This can be done without embarrassment to the FBI. Things evolve and change. Clare Bronfman came to the FBI and perjured herself about my case. They believed her. Now, subsequent evidence shows she perjured herself.

For those of us who know Clare Bronfman, ther perjury is not surprising. But in fairness to the FBI, a witness who has her wealth and background is normally not a perjurer. One has to suspect that Keith Raniere is behind this.

The sworn testimony in civil cases involving Clare Bronfman directly contradicts what she told the grand jury in my case.

The whole case against me hinges on a single lie she told the grand jury: that there was a valid written contract between us.

While she told the grand jury that there was such a contract – even though no one could ever produce a signed copy of it – she swore , under oath, in two separate civil cases that there was no written contract.

It helped her in the civil cases to have no written contract – which is why she swore, truthfully, there was none.

But the criminal case would be a non-starter unless there was a written contract between us for her to have been defrauded. So in the secrecy of the grand jury she told them that there was a written contract she ‘entered into’.

The grand jury was never shown a copy of a signed written contract between me and Clare because she never signed it.

Mr. Parlato do you have a trial date?

There is no trial date: Before the judge is a motion to review more of the grand jury minutes to fully explore how Clare Bronfman perjured herself – and other suspected misrepresentations made to the grand jury.

I am awaiting a decision on this.

The motions are a matter of public record and are on file on PACER.

As soon as practicable I will try to post these.

However, I don’t want this to distract from the more serious crimes of Kieth Raniere. Perjury by Clare Bronfman to punish an enemy is small potatoes compared to the more serious damage that Mr. Raniere, Ms. Bronfman, Allison Mack and others are doing to the slave-women in DOS.

You published in February that you had absolute evidence of Clare Bronfman committing perjury in your case.  If that is true, why haven’t the claims against you by her and Sara been dismissed by the Feds?

The dismissal procedure is long and arduous and rare. Usually, vindication comes at a trial. Proof of perjury has to be vetted carefully. Give it time. Be patient. Truth always prevails in the end.

Is a decision on Clare’s perjurious conduct pending?

Yes, indirectly. Once the prosecution clearly understands how they were lied to, I believe they will take proper action and possibly charge Miss Bronfman.

The wheels of justice are slow indeed.

Check out my previous postings on Bronfman perjury – everything is carefully explained:

Do a little research on your own:

Clare Bronfman committed perjury – at the behest of Keith Raniere.

Mr. Raniere and Clare Bronfman will soon discover how perjury starts and ends.

Please be patient.


Check out previous post:


Other things are in the works now that may spark their fleeing to Wakaya Island where extradition is very hard and very slow.

Stay tuned.

This is not a real photo: This is an artist’s view of Clare Bronfman. Her ability to lie is directly proportionate to how much time Keith Raniere spends getting her ready to testify under oath. Without his telling her what to say, observers think she would not be inclined to lie.  If Clare thinks back, she will realize that one of the first things she learned from Keith Raniere was how to lie.  Another was how to write checks for large sums of money.

6 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. If you have proof that the blackmail, slavery, and human genital branding allegations about Raniere-world are false, please post it. Otherwise, what is the point of lawsuit threats against Mr. Parlato? If anything, he seems to relish what he would get out of the discovery process that would open.

  2. To even assert that you are not deleting comments from this site, when you provably are, is another provably false fact which could be asserted in connection with the slander of the Joe O’Hara defense story.

  3. I posted a comment refuting your defense of Joe O’Hara. It pointed to a legal decision from a Federal District Court Judge utterly refuting this blogs claims that every legal case rendered about Joe O’Hara was either dismissed or judged in Joe O’Hara’s favor, and pointed to the numerous other legal troubles Joe O’Hara had independent of NXIVM. Including his being forced into bankruptcy after a $10 million judgement against him in a civil RICO action against him and his companies, all that predated his relationship with NXIVM and was completely unrelated to NXIVM in every way. That comment was deleted. Be warned. The posts on this site meet the threshold of slander. Provably false facts. You may want a lawsuit from the Bronfman’s but if you publish a provably false fact about the adjudication of the Joe O’Hara lawsuits filed by the Bronfmans you can be held liable and no other stories on this site will be relevant in that evaluation. You can have 100 horrible things that are true about NXIVM and 1 thing that is provably false and the 1 provably false thing will be tried. Consider yourself warned. If parties are posting clarifications about statements it may not be an act to undermine the credibility of this site. It could be quite the reverse.

  4. I have yet to delete a single comment from this site.
    I will however delete a comment that is clearly libelous or is so clearly fictitious or false that is does not deserve to be published. Any and all posts that appear to be honest will be posted even if no one wants to identify who they are.

  5. I heard you are deleting comments from this site. Is it true? I hope not.

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