Part 2: A Slave Women Speaks Out

July 6, 2017

A slave woman of DOS spoke to Frank Report on condition of anonymity.  See part 1.

Part 2:


FR: Do you think Keith knows how to hypnotize people?

DS: Absolutely. He’s done it to me. I see him talk to people. He gets them in a trap.

FR: We hear that Vancouver has fallen apart.

DS: I don’t know much about Vancouver. In Clifton Park, we are told to tell people who ask that your articles are a bunch of lies. But, you understand, in DOS, it’s  okay to have a secret group and lie to protect the secret of the mission. Knife of Aristotle has been used to show that your articles are lies.

Keith is brilliant.  He created Knife of Aristotle to protect himself so he could have a course that debunks the bad stuff that is written about him. He created the module “shifter strategy” in ESP classes where he teaches that even people talking negatively about something that is bad is unethical. So when you write bad things about him – even though they are true – you are a shifter. So you should be discounted.

FR: What happens to the collateral?

DS: Collateral goes directly to Keith through the slave masters.   It’s funny, Lauren Salzman is walking around telling half a group of people that Keith had nothing to do with DOS and telling another group of people that Keith does have something to do with this.  Either way, she’s fucking Keith or has fucked Keith and wants to have his baby so she’ll do anything she can to protect Keith.

It is this: DOS is blackmail MLM. ESP people are freaking out about it.

FR: Are all the DOS women in his harem.

DS: Keith doesn’t call it a harem. He calls it a “circle of women.” They all admit to having sex with him and only him. But there are some women who are not monogamous. I am afraid of getting an STD. I think Allison might be monogamous now, but she wasn’t when she started. Some women left Albany and went back to Vancouver.  There are a lot of women Keith slept with that left and you never hear of them again.

One thing I will tell you he never uses a condom. He doesn’t practice safe sex because everyone is just with him – he says.  But I’m going to tell some of the women have genital herpes. I don’t know who gave it to whom but some women know and I hope this does not out me. It wasn’t me. I don’t know if everyone has it. I don’t know if Keith does. Maybe he does. But I can tell you at least one woman has herpes and I know for a fact Keith slept with her without a condom.

What you wrote about Ivy Nevares is true.  She told some of the women she had a breach with Keith and he wouldn’t speak to her for years. Maybe she had another man. I don’t know, But she was waiting for him to take her back so she could have his child. That’s why she hasn’t cut her hair. One thing you did not mention. It wasn’t only Keith who didn’t talk to her, we all shunned her. I pretended to laugh when Keith told jokes about her but I felt sorry for her. I think she wants out. But if Keith spent time with her, he could pull her back in like he did with Clare when she was thinking about going away.

Keith Raniere says it’s all a lie.
The women of DOS are conflicted. Some like being slaves, some don’t, and some alternate between liking it and hating it. The collateral was Keith Raniere’s idea and it holds the slave women of DOS during those times that they hate it.

6 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Cry me a river VanDouche. You’ve gotten away with your bullshit long enough.

  2. Dear Mr. Vandouche,

    Your posts are a discredit to this blog and the serious reporting and deprogramming that is going on through it. This may all be a big joke for you and your sometimes disgusting comments and “oh I’m so above it all and so more intelligent than you all” attitude might give you some satisfaction, but it helps none of us who were/are in NXIVM. Give it a rest won’t you? Frank’s work is having a massive positive effect on many, many victims. Please don’t trivialize it.

  3. Dear Mr. Vandouche,

    Your posts are a discredit to this blog and the serious reporting and deprogramming that is going on through it. This may all be a big joke ro you and your sometimes disgusting comments and “oh I’m so above it all and so more intelligent than you all” attitude might give you some satisfaction, but it helps none of us who were/are in NXIVM. Give it a rest won’t you? Frank’s work is having a massive positive effect on many, many victims. Please don’t trivialize it.

  4. Please don’t read too much into this comment. We are losing women now. Because of moronic nonsense like this. And whose being hurt ? The women who are losing out because they leave. This is very bad.

  5. Far be it for me to suggest questions to a reporter, however six women have told me they were told they’d be getting a small tattoo vs being branded prior to the ceremony. I’d ask something about this as laws may have been broken. I’d also ask about any other how many of the women say “no” right before they are branded.

  6. “Keith is brilliant. He created Knife of Aristotle to protect himself so he could have a course that debunks the bad stuff that is written about him. He created the module “shifter strategy” in ESP classes where he teaches that even people talking negatively about something that is bad is unethical. So when you write bad things about him – even though they are true – you are a shifter. So you should be discounted.”

    This isn’t brilliant. This is stupidity. It’s the Milieu control typical of cults. And if he teaches that talking negatively about something bad is unethical, he and anyone who believes him, is a moron. That’s implicitly accepting the bad. But we know this isn’t true at all. This is simply an example of his sophistry because he literally talks bad about those who oppose him. Except he then says it’s “good”, because everything against him is by definition “bad”, and everything for him is “good”. Case in point: this website as being lies. How is that not talking negatively about something? So he’s a fucking hypocrite douche bag. What people believe him are conceding is that this little pudgy bullshitter is the “measure of all things”. It’s ironic. The person who is the “shifter” is himself. He “shifts” definitions and the standards all over the place.

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