‘Luke’ likes to comment on Frank Report.
He asked for ‘more audios’ of Keith Raniere because he ‘learnt a lot of things through this report…. Send us more audios. Dude, I can’t be in all of the forums.”
I did my best to accommodate Luke with my offering yesterday: Part 1: Leaked SOP audios: Raniere: Breaking up is harder on a man than a woman
I thought Luke would learn a lot from it but he was unhappy. He commented about the audio:
Mmm old stuff. You can do better Frank. In a couple of visits to Albany, I have more sensible material than you, and I don’t have a web of holy supporters as you have. Any way, I appreciate your efforts to please me, you disappointed me again. You are kind of rusty, out of new things to make up.
So, let’s have it once more. Here, Luke, is an audio of Keith Raniere speaking on his perennial topic: ‘Sex and Fucking’.
I hope you get something good out of this…
The description I wrote for it is as follows: Keith Raniere offers male followers insights into women. This is a leaked audio of Raniere speaking before his Society of Protectors. Among his choice statements:
‘If a woman offers you sex and you refuse her, you have a problem.’
He discusses the balance between a woman’s ‘crazies’ and her ‘hotness.’
He explains about how a woman answers the question of wanting sex: “With women, ‘yes’ mean ‘yes,’ ‘maybe’ means ‘yes,’ and ‘no’ means, ‘maybe.’
This is the first in a series of teachings on the leader of the NXIVM cult that has an offshoot called DOS that brands women on their pubic region with Raniere’s initials and blackmails them into obedience and silence.
The cult is funded by Seagram heiresses Clare and Sara Bronfman and its chief recruiter is former Smallville TV show actress, Allison Mack.
English version: http://www.executivesuccessprograms.com/letter-from-the-co-founder/
November 29, 2017 at 1:17 pm
What kind of trash does this pseudo-guru teach? It is NOT always in any language and for any person, man or woman, boy or girl. No means no!.
How can this beast guide people emotionally and spiritually? Espinians wake up, do not throw your money and your life into vulgar people, into false prophets like Keith Raniere.
By letting yourself be influenced by this cockroach you also hurt your people, you are also throwing garbage into the world, destroying relationships and institutions, leaving dead in your path, harming your families.
Get out of there, seek to awaken, heal, repair the damage you are doing.
They are toxic teachings. No to ESP, No to Rainbow, No to NXIVM, NO to all your sick organizations.
Get all that rubbish out of your souls for the good of the societies in which you live. If you want to save the world you must first be saved.
Good news: Yes there are healthy routes to grow as people. Hint: the healthy routes are free or accessible to all, they are millenary, they are universal knowledge. Yes, there are organizations of healthy human beings.
They will never save anything by paying courses to false ideologies like the objectivism of Rand led to madness, to the asylum of teachings of the perverse Keith Raniere.
You can still save yourself but your life runs out, hurry up.
Luke’s mama is “death “, as he tells us in an earlier post, so I wonder who his papa is…
With “Death” as his mother, I going to guess his Father could be the Devil himself.
Poor kid never had a chance.
“The way the media represents us does not coincide with….. experiences of myself” Huh? WTF are experienced of yourself, Keith? You sound like you have a split personality. Lol
Are the names of the experts, including this Psychiatrist of international reputation, going to be provided, or are we just supposed to believe this bullshit without hearing the evidence?
¿Qué clase de basura enseña este pseudo-gurú? NO es NO siempre en cualquier idioma y para cualquier persona hombre o mujer, niño o niña. ¡No es NO!.
¿Cómo puede esta bestia guiar emocional y espiritualmente a la gente?.
Espinianos despierten, no tiren su dinero y su vida en gente vulgar, en falsos profetas como Keith Raniere.
Al dejarse influir por esta cucaracha ustedes también hacen daño a su gente, ustedes también van tirando basura en mundo, destruyendo relaciones e instituciones, dejando muertos en su camino, dañando a sus familias.
Salgan de ahí, busquen despertar, sanar, reparar el daño que están haciendo.
Son enseñanzas tóxicas. No a ESP, No a Rainbow, No a NXIVM, NO a todas sus enfermas organizaciones.
Saquen toda esa basura de sus almas por el bien de las sociedades en que viven. Si quieren salvar al mundo primero deben salvarse ustedes.
Buena noticia: Sí hay rutas sanas para crecer como personas.
Hint: las rutas sanas son gratuitas o accesibles a todos, son milenarias, son conocimiento universal. Sí hay organizaciones de seres humanos sanas.
Jamás salvarán nada pagando cursos a falsas ideologías como el objetivismo de Rand llevado a la locura, al manicomio de enseñanzas del perverso Keith Raniere.
Aun pueden salvarse pero se les acaba la vida, apúrense.
Yes, VanDouche.
Please tell us who these experts and highly qualified individuals are? Also, please explain to us and the rest of the world how – if NXIVM pays for these alleged investigators to make such a determination and it isn’t some independent party – it is NOT A CONFLICT OF INTEREST, you fucking idiot who has claimed to be one of the top problem solvers in the world?
This letter is nothing more than a weak shill piece to maintain the sheep in the organization.
“we felt it was imperative that we hire experts to make sure these allegations were unfounded.”
Translation: we paid some people to claim they investigated and cleared us.
“highly qualified individuals have conducted extensive independent investigations, and have firmly concluded that accusations of abuse, coercion or harm to individuals are completely unfounded.”
Comment: How about some names, Keith? And how much they were paid to “firmly” conclude this?
“the group of women is not part of NXIVM”
Comment: Bullshit. The DOS slaves are all members of ESP and/or JNESS, which are part of NXIVM.
“and that I am not associated with it.”
Comment: Bullshit. Raniere has complete (mind-) control of the leadership of NXIVM, ESP, JNESS, and DOS. They do nothing without making sure it’s OK with Raniere. If they take any initiative, it’s because they believe Raniere would want it. And if he wanted to stop anything about DOS, he would only need to whisper that desire, and it would INSTANTLY stop.
“what this group of women, or any other social group, chooses to do is not our business as long as there is no abuse.”
Comment: Sarah Edmondson’s brave testimony to the New York Times makes clear that
1. Rather than “choice” or informed consent, there is deceptive recruiting, outright lies (tattoo vs brand), and the threat of exposure of “collateral” (otherwise known as the crime of blackmail)
2. Branding without anesthetic is abuse. Period. Only a sociopath would claim otherwise.
“Our experts, a forensic psychiatrist of international reputation, psychologists and former police investigators, tell us that the participants of this group are very well, in good health, happy, thriving, and have not experienced coercion. ”
Translation: While we will not name our “experts” (assuming they even exist) so you won’t be able to interview them, they report that we didn’t actually kill any of our victims, or even send them to the hospital. And our blackmail scheme has kept all but a few from going public. (Sarah Edmondson, we’ll see you in court….) We, of course, don’t consider deception and blackmail to be “coercion.”
“What’s more, the participants of the women’s group are proud of what they have created and want to share their story. Surely they will be addressing you very soon.”
Translation: I have ordered the DOS slaves to continue recruiting. I’m getting bored with the same sex-slaves night after night, and need some fresh ones.
“Additionally, I feel it is important to clarify that the group of women is not part of NXIVM and that I am not associated with it.”
What a liar.
Letter from Keith Raniere:
Dear Members,
I am deeply saddened by the recent news published about our organization, a number of key people, and friends from the past.
The way in which the media represents us does not coincide with what I know of our community and our friends, nor with my experience of myself. However, as an organization and as individuals, we felt it was imperative that we hire experts to make sure these allegations were unfounded.
During the last few months, highly qualified individuals have conducted extensive independent investigations, and have firmly concluded that accusations of abuse, coercion or harm to individuals are completely unfounded. These accusations are very disturbing for me because nonviolence is one of my fundamental values.
Additionally, I feel it is important to clarify that the group of women is not part of NXIVM and that I am not associated with it. I strongly support the right to free expression of people, so what this group of women, or any other social group, chooses to do is not our business as long as there is no abuse. Our experts, a forensic psychiatrist of international reputation, psychologists and former police investigators, tell us that the participants of this group are very well, in good health, happy, thriving, and have not experienced coercion. What’s more, the participants of the women’s group are proud of what they have created and want to share their story. Surely they will be addressing you very soon.
Today marks our first step forward. No matter how much we are part of the problem, it is our humble hope that we will be much more part of the solution. From now on we will communicate better, and we will report better.
Keith Raniere
Luke took that training, so that explains a lot. Did your Vandaddy also have a course about women trapped in men’s bodies, and men trapped in women’s bodies, as you do seem oddly interested in that topic, Luke.
If cup of tea
This explains it in simple terms even Vanguard and Luke should understand
Luke why don’t you share some SOP training. So we can see why the FORCE is so strong with you dude.
Does anyone know Luke’s last name? Where his parents live?
I think we should find out where his parents live and send them a package of news paper articles and invite them to read the Frank Report.
I’m sure they’ll proud of their sons accomplishments and would want to be informed of their sons involvement in such a high class organization.
Maybe his mom will want to join DOS and get a fancy brand.
While it is not reported that Raniere was in a fraternity at RPI (probably too pudgy and geeky to get a bid), he does seem to still be a frat-boy here. I don’t know how old this recording is, but he was probably in his fifties.
The Tom cruise clip, from “Magnolia,” shows how a real showman does the misogyny. Raniere pales in comparison.
Understanding Van-barf’s ideology:
First know sex is like tennis.
Strictly physics.
Women place meaning on sex and make up stories and amp up emotions to create something that doesn’t exist.
Then you need to understand that women constantly torture men all day with clothing choices and behaviour.
Women are completely oblivious this attention from men.
Men only want sex so surely women know this and continue to tease them.
At the end of the day a guy is so sexually frustrated that rape is an effect of that.
Then you need to get that women are flighty and change their mind constantly.
They don’t really know what they want.
So of course when they say “no” it must mean “yes/maybe”, because they may change their mind.
NO MEANS NO! What kind of NLP are you teaching mr Stupid. Its logical you did not have a mother. And people go to this? And expect their daughters to be treated like this? So if they rape you in the street and you say no it means yes? or maybe?
Wow. This guy is seriously lame. Words cannot describe how pathetic he is.
This is the so-called ‘mesmeric’ speaker. And people paid for this stuff. Idiots.
I took that training. I kind of remember smt. What about others weekends? Or Jness Track? I’m sure there are leaks of those.