Raniere told followers ‘death threat’ [not law enforcement] made him leave for Mexico

December 28, 2017

By Frank Parlato;

Mystery explained:


He would be among them playing volleyball but his followers whisked him away.


What did Keith Raniere tell his followers in Albany that would explain him running away to Mexico that would not seem like an act of cowardice?

The answer: He told his followers there was a death threat against him. From whom, or where, or when is not clear.

Keith added: He did not want to leave Albany. He was prepared to face the bullet, but supporters urged him – for the sake of the mission – to protect his body.

Keith said he would not run. It might not be ethical to leave at this critical time. Keith wanted to stay, he said, but his supporters begged and were forlorn and paralyzed with grief.

He knew they would blame themselves if anything happened and he realized the most ethical thing to do was to leave Albany. He reluctantly bid farewell to the place he intended never to leave – and went reluctantly – much like the Dalai Lama when he left his beloved Tibet to exile in India.

He did not leave because he was afraid of arrest.

It is not about his body or his safety that he was concerned about. Sometimes, a leader must heed followers to keep them from having broken hearts and destroying the very mission – by martyring. He personally desired to be a martyr. But leaders must sacrifice their cherished desires [in his case to be a martyr] for the sake of a higher mission.

The higher mission is to allow his followers to do their duty in protecting their leader.

If Gandhi’s followers had known he was to be assassinated and did nothing, it would have wreaked havoc on them forever. Gandhi’s assassination came by surprise. But in Keith’s case, it is known there was a death threat. He did not care to name where it came from – but he is known as a truthful man.  He did not even care to alert the authorities for they are corrupt and may even be complicit in the plan, as all his followers believe.

Keith’s followers knew about the death threat and they must act to save him and he must acquiesce.

It took more courage, Keith Raniere said, to leave for Mexico than to stay. He took Mariana and baby Kemar so that the enemies of truth would not be able to hold them hostage. He is a devoted father and could not bear to be away from his beloved child.


He is still among them in Clifton Park in spirit, he reminded them before he hastily departed on a private plane with Clare Bronfman for Mexico.



5 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. LMAO. Presuming what he says is believable even if it isn’t, he ran away from America due to an alleged death threat to Mexico, where kidnappings and murders are common? This is the excuse of the smartest man in the world? In Mexico, if you mess with the wrong person, you aren’t even given a death threat. You just wind up dead.

  2. So he thinks he’s safer in Mexico? Land of kidnappings; how much would the Bronfman Brats pay to get their boy wonder back from kidnappers in Mexico?

    Would they pay more than they lost in the commodities market? 68 Million? How about the California Real Estate scam – just 12Million in attorney’s fees alone, plus another 24 Million and climbing.

    How about all those law suits? They must of spent well over a 100 Million on legal fees by now.

    So if Boy Wonder was kidnapped in Mexico and held for ransom, would Clare dish out what she’s paid in legal fees to get her sometime lover back? Would it be worth $100 Million to her to have him back?

  3. LMFAO, This old man has been telling this lie for decades. Now that there is a chance the law might come after him, he put his tail between his legs and runs South of the Boarder.
    His mindless sheepeople will buy this with some kool-aid lectures from the inner circle mind washers but those of us on the outside are not buying one hair on this head of his life is in danger.
    He meant to say his lifestyle was in danger but said the last part of the world under his breath.

  4. Im not sure which follower provided this information, but i hope you can answer a few questions.
    You say the police may be corrupt and be complicit in the plan. Exactly what plan are you referring to? Could you clarify? Also, I’m unable to understand what Keith’s so-called mission is. Does anyone know what this “mission” is? Please write back and explain this for the rest of us.

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