Farley claims New Yorkers sent $300 billion more to Washington than they got back since Gillibrand joined senate

March 3, 2018



Farley Pledges to End New York’s Payment Deficit with Washington

Chele Farley is running against Kirsten Gillibrand. Farley claims: “Since Kirsten Gillibrand took office New Yorkers have sent over $300 billion more to Washington than we got back.”

For the first time Republicans and Conservatives Unite Early to Unseat Kirsten Gillibrand

Chele Farley was the unanimous choice of New York Republicans as she accepted the nomination for U.S. Senate at a meeting of state leaders.

Pledging to reverse New York’s historic balance of payment deficit with Washington, Farley officially launched her campaign for U.S. Senate uniting Republican and Conservatives early in an effort to unseat Gillibrand.

New York State GOP Chairman Ed Cox asked the assembled convention delegates, “Can you name one thing that Kirsten Gillibrand has done for New York?”

No one in the audience was known to have an answer.

Farley was nominated by Erie County Chairman Nick Langworthy who said, “Today, I’m pleased to have the opportunity to undo a mistake that was made 3,322 days ago. On January, 26th 2009, an accidental governor appointed a politically-connected, opportunistic and weak Upstate congresswoman to the United States Senate.”

Did New Yorkers pay $300 billion more in taxes than they got back during Gillibrand’s tenure? In the tradition of seeing the glass half full, then the tax and spend liberal got the taxing part right.


Langworthy added, “I know Chele Farley. She will BE tomorrow what she is today. What she believes today she will still believe next year.”

Gillibrand on the other hand has no such hobgoblins of consistency dogging her. She’s changed her political positions and ideology based on her  constituencies. She was a blue dog democrat when a congresswoman in a conservative congressional district. When she became senator for the liberal state of New York, especially liberal New York City, she moved left with a swiftness that showed a talent to shout with the mob.

It does not appear to be true – although it might be rumored – that Gillibrand was once asked, ‘what if there are two mobs?’ and answered, “Shout with the largest.”

Farley’s nomination was seconded by Manhattan Chairman, Andrea Catsimatidis, who mocked Gillibrand’s self serving policy reversals, saying, “She has flip-flopped so many times that she would put the Havaiana flip-flop company out of business if she made shoes. But she hasn’t made anything in her life. She has built her career through political convenience at the expense of New Yorkers.”

Catsimatidis said, “Chele is a true role model for women, who women should look up to, who I have certainly been proud to look up to.”

Making note of the near blizzard conditions, Fulton County Chairman Sue McNeil also seconded her nomination adding, “The storm outside today is nothing compared to the power that Chele Farley is going to bring to this campaign.”



1 Comment Leave a Reply

  1. Farley is a fear monger. New York is one of the donor states that support poorer states such as Mississippi- of course we sent more to DC. We are the “United States” working together- not Europe.

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