Fitton: Outrageous FBI abuses under Obama and McCabe’s mentor, James Comey

March 18, 2018

By Tom Fitton

President Judicial Watch


Attorney General Sessions did the right thing in firing Andrew McCabe for repeatedly making statements to investigators that “lack candor.” The FBI is not above the law. Mr. McCabe’s dishonesty taints both the Clinton email inquiry and Russia collusion investigation targeting President Trump, including the Mueller operation.

Mr. McCabe should have been ousted from the FBI many months ago, when Judicial Watch first revealed a clear conflict of interest scandal involving his wife’s political campaign.

Judicial Watch recently uncovered that McCabe, despite massive contributions from Clinton ally Terence McAuliffe to his wife’s 2015 political campaign, did not recuse himself from the Clinton email investigation until just a week before the 2016 presidential election. Judicial Watch also forced out documents that show that McCabe used FBI resources for his wife’s campaign. These Judicial Watch finds spurred irresistible public pressure for accountability for McCabe.

Unfortunately, the FBI and DOJ are still withholding McCabe’s text messages. The McCabe firing further shows the need for a full investigation of the numerous anti-Trump and other outrageous FBI abuses under Obama and McCabe’s mentor, James Comey.

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1 Comment Leave a Reply

  1. Thankfully, we are a nation based on rule of law & not whim of bloggers. “… should have been ousted from the FBI many months ago, when Judicial Watch first revealed…” Since when are you appointing JW the sole authority of who should be fired.
    Glad I stumbled on this site, another one to add to the totally discredited list of BSer’s.

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