Allison Mack’s descent into hell; She is rumored to be having a meltdown!

April 12, 2018

Her critics call her “Pimp Mack.”

Sources report that Allison Mack is still trying to recruit woman to join DOS, Jness and ESP to atone for her sin of allowing DOS to become public.

Some are saying she is in a desperate state of mind; the former TV actress is trying to use the last vestiges of her waning celebrity to round up new, young women for DOS – the sex slave cult.

Keith Raniere created the idea for DOS, with a mathematical formula based on 6-6-6. Mack was given charge of it.

The plan was he – as the grand master – would have six direct female slaves, and each of these six females slaves would have six female slaves each who, in turn, would have six female slaves, who in turn would have six female slaves, etc. etc, until the entire worthy female population would owe allegiance to “the most ethical man in the world” – Raniere – and as a combined female force could effect worldwide change. All the fit and deserving women in the world would be the slaves of one man – Raniere.

They were to be the fulfillment of Raniere’s oft-stated dream: “Humans can be noble. The question is, will we put forth the effort?”

According to sources, Mack was persuaded the fault lies with her – and, consequently, she agreed to make a penance for allowing the secret human branding and the collecting of blackmail worthy material [called collateral] was spun into something evil which led to Raniere’s arrest on charges of sex trafficking and conspiracy. Mack is listed on federal documents as a co conspirator.

Mack maintains DOS is a coaching program for women to help them unite and save the world.

Clare Bronfman, the Seagrams’ heiress, who funds the sex-slaver cult, was receiving extensive NXIVM ‘therapy’ over her extreme jealousy issues regarding Mack. She feels she has been vindicated. She was right to jealously guard Raniere away from Mack. It was Mack and her branding and blackmail scheme that landed Raniere in jail.

Mack destroyed Vancouver, Los Angeles and San Francisco NXIVM centers. Now Mexican leaders have resigned to save face and escape possible criminal prosecution. People connected to the Albany center want to leave NXIVM and Nancy Salzman, known as the Prefect of NXIVM had her home raided and $500,000 was seized by the FBI.

Mack is doing penance. She will try to bring new slave women into DOS, sources say who know her. She would be better off getting a lawyer and cutting a plea deal.

But she is depressed. Not about her career. Not about her reputation. Not about her going to prison. Right now, she is likely depressed because not a single new woman is joining the DOS slave cult. Every one of them simply Google the names Keith Raniere or Allison Mack and are shocked to learn about DOS branding and blackmail.

Raniere is in jail in Brooklyn and can do nothing to guide or punish her.

After  Frank Report/Artvoice first published the secrets of DOS, Raniere laid the blame at her doorstep. Allison Mack, he told her, committed a major “ethical breach” by failing to screen women properly before allowing them to become DOS slave members.  Mack tried to defend herself by saying it was Raniere’s idea.

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Allison Mack officially a target of FBI investigation into sex trafficking

Raniere, with the slightest inflection of his voice, as he imitated the cadence of Mack, asked her, “Oh, so in this life, you don’t want to accept responsibility for the mistakes you make?”

Mack begged his forgiveness. She wept. Raniere allowed her to atone for her conduct by penance.  She must go out and recruit new members and admit it was all her idea and take the fall for Raniere criminally or she will suffer in her next life her bad karma.

But the FBI did not buy it. They arrested Raniere. She is also officially a target. The search warrant application for the raid of Raniere’s sex lair names her openly. She is definitely a target.

Whether Mack is legally insane or having a meltdown from lack of nourishment, sleep, and stress – which may land her in the hospital – is hard to say. If she does not land in prison first.


1 Comment Leave a Reply

  1. Really, you put up a still from her 2011 movie Marilyn as a headline photo.

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