Carter L. Clews, Director of Communications
Dear Judicial Watch Supporter,
I cannot overstate the importance of the upcoming “Deep State Update” panel.
Judicial Watch will be streaming it live at High Noon on Tuesday April 24.
And do not want you to miss it!
JW has been at the forefront in exposing the relentless – and very often illegal efforts of Comey, Mueller, Strzok, and McCabe to destroy Donald Trump.
And now, we are bringing together a team of unparalleled experts to reveal the truth…
And expose the lies.
Here are experts you will be hearing from – for a full fast-paced, fact-filled hour:
Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)
Committee on the Judiciary
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Vince Coglianese
Host “Mornings on the Mall” WMAL Radio
Editorial Director, Daily Caller
Lt. Col Tony Shaffer
Vice President for Strategic Coordination and Operations
London Center for Policy Research
Michael Bekesha
Judicial Watch
Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch
Watch the panel live: We will also livestream the panel on Facebook Live. Visit our Facebook page to watch.
I promise you that this will be the most important and revealing expose of the Deep State you will ever see.
And it is only 7 days away!
Carter L. Clews
Director of Communications