Buffalo Performing Arts Law Society Presents: UB Law’s Got Talent, Friday April 13

April 11, 2018

This Friday at Mr. Goodbar,110 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14222, beginning at 7 p.m. and until 1 a.m., feast your ears upon a cornucopia of tasteful tunes and legal witticisms.

The event features a host of musico-legal talent from the University at Buffalo Law School, including UB Law’s musical group, Legal Ease, as well as special guests Judge Franczyk and his Merry Barristers, and The Spin Wires. With two floors and a huge patio, with over 60 beers on tap and bottle, bring a friend, don’t go ex parte!

Mr Goodbar, the locus in quo.


A barrister.


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