Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo presents “Roesler Hotel #28: Screenspaces”

April 10, 2018
roesler hotel #28: screenspaces curated by vik muniz, lucas blalock and barney kulok galeria nara roesler | são paulo


april 10, 2018


april 11 – may 30, 2018
mon – fri: 10am – 7pm
sat: 11am – 3pm

galeria nara roesler | são paulo
avenida europa 655
jardim europa 01449-001
são paulo sp brasil
t 55 (11) 2039 5454

Galeria Nara Roesler | São Paulo is pleased to present the 28th edition of Roesler HotelScreenspaces, which will display the recent production of 20 artists investigating contemporary visual culture through photographic language in a post-digital context.

This edition of the Roesler Hotel is curated by Vik Muniz, one of the artists represented by Galeria Nara Roesler, Lucas Blalock and Barney Kulok, whose works are also part of the show. Screenspaces manifests the way digital photography has permanently changed our perception of the world around us.

The construction of notions of truth and reality and the illustrative links between the photographed and its representation – themes traditionally held dear to photography – remain present in these artists’ research. However, the most striking element of the exhibition is the interest in perceiving digital technologies not merely as tools, but as devices capable of reshaping our imagery and the way we relate to images.

Participating artists: Anna K.E., Awol Erizku, Barney Kulok, Chris Wiley, Daniel Gordon, Deana Lawson, Dillon DeWaters, Erin Shirreff, Hannah Whitaker, Jibade-Khalil Huffman, John Houck, Jonathan Ehrenberg, Leah Beeferman, Leslie Hewitt, Lucas Blalock, Mariah Robertson, Paul Mpagi Sepuya, Sara Cwynar, Vik Muniz, and Whitney Hubbs.

The Roesler Hotel project was created by Galeria Nara Roesler in 2002 with the aim of promoting a dialogue between national and international art communities, inviting curators and artists to experiment with the space.

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