After participating in several events with local students concerned about gun violence in America, Congressman Brian Higgins (NY-26) marched onto the Floor of the House of Representatives to carry forward their message about the need for thoughtful discussion and action.
“Mr. Speaker, Eight weeks ago today, a lone gunman entered the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and in just 6 minutes killed 17 students and staff, and injured 17 others – one shooter, 6 minutes, 17 dead and 17 injured.
“In the weeks since, I’ve stood alongside students at the March for Our Lives in Buffalo, New York; sat down and listened to students from schools across Western New York; and participated in a Town Hall panel discussion by “Students for Action.”
“These students are respectful of the Second Amendment and of those good, law-abiding citizens of gun ownership.
“Congress could learn from the thoughtful, reasoned, respectful and passionate approach demonstrated by each of the students I’ve encountered.
“They come from diverse cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds and different communities – rural, suburban and urban. But they are united in their fight to get weapons of war off our streets and to end mass school shootings. We can come together to save lives.”
Higgins is a member of the Congressional Gun Violence Prevention Task Force.
To access video of Mr. Higgins’ speech, go to: