New book: When “twice-a-day George” Stephanopoulos isn’t busy plugging for the Clintons, he’s plugging his wife

April 16, 2018
George Stephanopoulos (l) and wife, Ali Wentworth (r)

ABC News anchor, George Stephanopoulos, who once was President Clinton’s communications director during his campaign, and later the White House communications director under Clinton, reportedly has a goodly amount of sex with his wife,  about which she has not been shy to mention.

Stephanopoulos’ wife, actress and comedian, Ali Wentworth, revealed in her new book, “Go Ask Ali,”  that the two do the deed so frequently, that when she shares this information her friends, she actually ends up losing some.

New York Post, Page Six reports:

She adds in the witty advice book, out April 24 from Harper, that she feels left out at “ladies’ lunches” because she can’t join the others in complaining about their terrible marriages.

She recalls, “The absolute lowest moment for me is when the time arrives for the fateful question: ‘How often do you and your husband have sex?’ I have lost friends with this question.”

She writes that before answering, she “takes a deep breath” and “spit[s] it out. And then the women gasp and scream like I’ve confessed that I shot my dog. One of them always slams her fist down on the table; a woman’s wine glass once smashed in her hand. I’m sorry! We’re hot for each other. Jesus!”

According to the Washington Post’s Reliable Source, an “item” published in 2003 in Reliable Source on the couple inspired the moniker “twice-a-day George.”


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