The Sound Inside tells the story of Bella Baird, an isolated creative writing professor, who begins to mentor a brilliant but mysterious student named Christopher. The two form an unexpected and intense bond, and as their lives become intertwined Bella makes a surprising, unthinkable request of Christopher.
Intensely intimate, this riveting, ninety-minute story dives deep into the exploration of human nature—its needs and its limitations.
Directed by Kyle LoConti, The Sound Inside stars Aleks Malejs* as Bella Baird and Brendan Didio as Christopher. Production Design by Loraine O’Donnell, Light Design by Brian Cavanagh, Video Design by Nicholas Taboni, and Sound Design by Geoff Tocin.
Opening this Friday, June 9th and running through June 25th.
Click the link below to book your tickets today!
Showtimes: Thursdays 7:30PM
Fridays 7:30PM
Saturdays 3:30PM & 7:30PM
Sundays 2:00PM
Discounted tickets available for students, seniors, military and groups of 8+
Call our Box Office Tuesday-Friday 11AM-3PM at (716) 829-7668