The Niagara County Office for the Aging (OFA) is planning a month-long information campaign as part its efforts to raise awareness of elder abuse. Each year, June is recognized as Elder Abuse Awareness month, culminating with World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on June 15 when communities around the world come together to promote a better understanding of elder abuse and neglect.
“The Niagara County Office for the Aging collaborates all year long on elder abuse awareness and prevention, providing advocacy and case management to older adults who are victims,” said Darlene DiCarlo, Director of OFA. “What people do not realize is that this abuse can take many forms, such as physical violence, emotional abuse, neglect, abandonment and financial exploitation.
DiCarlo said Elder Abuse Awareness Month draws attention to these issues and underscores the cultural, social, economic, and demographic impact of elder abuse and neglect. The goal is to encourage more people to report if they suspect someone they know is being mistreated.
Staff members from OFA are part of joint multi-disciplinary meetings with other community services focused on elder abuse, in order to offer support and outreach. For June specifically, OFA will be providing additional information via their newsletter, printouts to Home Delivered Meals customers and the community dining sites, and their Facebook page.
Follow OFA on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ NiagaraCountyOFAOfficefortheAg ing/.
If you, or someone you know is being mistreated, please call the Office for the Aging/NY Connects at (716) 438-3030 for services. If it is an emergency, please call 911.