Ten Lives Club & Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue are “Searching for WNY’s Finest” to appear in their 2025 Police, Firefighters & Rescue Animals Calendar! Last year officers from police departments across Western New York participated by taking photos with rescue dogs and cats to raise funds to save the lives of animals.
The contest was such a success that now we are inviting firefighters to join the fun! So, to make it fair for everyone “Searching for WNY’s Finest” Photo Contest has been launched to find 12 of WNY’s finest officers and firefighters to be in the calendar. The top 12 officers or firefighters with the most votes will make it into the 2025 Police, Firefighters & Rescue Animal Calendar and get bragging rights!
All proceeds from the contest will benefit Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue dogs and Ten Lives Club rescue cats!
The public can enter WNY police officers or firefighters from now until 9:00:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Sunday, June 23, 2024. There is no cost to enter. Each vote is $1 of which will go directly to the Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue and Ten Lives Club.
The top 12 officers or firefighters with the most votes at the end of the contest will be named the calendar models and be photographed by Tailor Mayde Dog + Pet Photography. Please enter only one officer or firefighter at a time. Officers and firefighters can be of any gender. If you need assistance or if your company would like to be a sponsor in the calendar, please email kimberlylarussa@tenlivesclub. com for help with your nomination.
You can nominate your favorite police officer or firefighter or vote for your favorites here: https://www. gogophotocontest.com/ searchingforwnysfinest