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Shame on Brown for Attacking Fire and Police Unions

Here we go again with the Brown administration’s threatening demeanor. The mayor is threatening to layoff our brave firefighters supposedly because of fiscal issues. Then a recent article in the Buffalo News steers hard right into the alleged sick time abuse by union members. They accuse the firefighters of “playing games” and impacting city finances.

Who has a history of playing games, Mr. Mayor? You are the master gameplayer. These hardworking members deserve every sick day they have contractually yet are criticized for taking them. Why don’t we start kicking and screaming when vacation days are utilized?

The mayor mentions particulars on sick hours used over the past 14 weeks but seems to forget that the winter and spring times in Buffalo are the worst for sickness. These men and women are out in the freezing cold fighting fires while you’re sitting in a warm cushy chair in the castle of mismanagement.

Speaking of management, maybe the officials in City Hall should work on something more than a premise. Just thinking that 52 new hires would have an impact on overtime doesn’t really constitute an educated decision. As finance commissioner, Ms. Penska should get heckled just for the sake of her poor decision-making with no good research. How much does she get paid for such great decisions?

This is the type of mismanagement that keeps Buffalo stagnant. Why are the people in the trenches always the ones getting used and abused by the upper echelon, and how is it that they get raises handed to them like candy, yet that is not newsworthy? How is it justified to give the people at the top a raise yet state you have no money for the people getting dirty? Dirty politics as usual in the City of Buffalo. Corporation Counsel David Rodriguez states all union members will get a scary notice letting them know they can face sanctions. This to me is another form of coordinated bully tactics used by the city and its fearless leader. You guys should be in jail for such tactics and lies. And what will the taxpayers have to pay for such wasteful and threatening correspondence? Imagine one day without fire and police service, and the chaos that would bring. Shame on all of you for the way you treat the people who actually make a difference on a daily basis. Maybe we should change professions and get into the barber shop and restaurant business. I’m sure the money and love from the mayor would be instantly overwhelming. It’s not a bad idea!

Thomas P. Cino

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