Sources Say Human Branding Part of Raniere-inspired Women’s Group
Actress Allison Mack offers women who vow to serve him an opportunity to receive the teachings of Keith Raniere.
[This report has been developed from information provided from sources. For their protection, they are unnamed. It is up to the reader to judge whether the information presented is factual or not.]
According to sources:
Former television actress Allison Mack is making her mark as the leader of a secret society of women who follow the teachings of Keith Raniere.
Entry into the group requires members to be branded with a hot iron on their pubic region with the initials of Mr. Raniere and Miss Mack.
Miss Mack offers membership to the select group, which is referred to as DS [Dominus Servus (Latin for master-slave)]. The initiation ceremony is meant to afford an opportunity for the women to enjoy a more deeply personal access to Mr. Raniere and his advanced teachings.
The branding ceremony is required to enter into this exclusive group, where Mr. Raniere is willing to impart his hidden teachings and afford, in some instances, personal communion with the women. In this ritualistic ceremony, which takes about three hours, the women make what is known as “The Vow” which includes a lifelong commitment to the service of Mr. Raniere and Miss Mack.
After a probationary period, women who are accepted by Miss Mack are invited to participate in the ceremony and the use of a cautery, made of metal, heated to a dull red glow, is applied to the skin above the cleanly shaven pubic area of the woman being initiated.
The hot iron cauterizes the pubic area leaving permanent tissue scarring that form the letters KR and AM [for Keith Raniere and Allison Mack.] The process is similar in effect to the branding of cattle. Dr. Danielle Roberts MD, a licensed physician, performs the branding to ensure the safety of the women. Dr. Roberts is a student of Mr. Raniere and one his ardent followers.
The branding ceremony – the existence of which has never before been published – is held in strict secrecy and only performed on women who are invited and who agree to be branded.
By mutual consent, a woman, who has been trained in the preliminary teachings of Mr. Raniere, is met at a predesignated location by one or more women of DS where she is blindfolded and taken to the secret place where the ceremony is held.
There, she is placed in a ‘slave pen’ a room where one or more other female initiates are waiting for their initiation and she is undressed. At the appointed hour, the woman, naked and still blindfolded, is led to the branding table where one of the women read specific teachings of Mr. Raniere. Dr. Roberts performs the branding. Miss Mack as the slave master is in attendance. Because the cauterizing process, which takes about a half an hour, is painful, several of the other women of DOS hold the initiate down to prevent accident or injury.
Videos are taken of the naked woman and kept as a record of the initiation and are considered part of the collateral a woman pledges to Mr. Raniere.
Before a woman is accepted for initiation, a woman must first provide ‘collateral’ in the form of nude photographs, or audio and video records of admissions of activities which she would otherwise wish to remain secret. These records and photographs are held by Mr. Raniere or his agents as collateral.
After initiation, a member is required to make monthly offerings of additional collateral. This collateral is said to provide assurances to Mr. Raniere that those who have pledged their slavery to him and Miss Mack – and in return will receive more fulsome instructions from him – will be less likely to flee as others have done in the past.
In the past, the has referred to women who dedicate themselves to Mr. Raniere as “members of his harem. The term of art preferred by Mr. Raniere and Miss Mack is “slave.”
Several women close to Mr. Raniere have defected from his group revealing some of his hidden teachings and secrets of his personal life. This has caused egregious financial harm to Mr. Raniere, according to court documents filed in lawsuits Mr. Raniere has brought against former followers.
The publication of the secret branding rites of the ‘master-slave’ group known as ‘DOS’ has prompted calls from concerned individuals worried about the safety of the women and the legality of the organization’s practices.
DOS stands for Dominant Over Submissive or in Latin: Dominus-Servus.
Miss Mack, who appeared in the television series Smallville in the role of Chloe Sullivan, is the operational director of DOS. Mr. Raniere is the conceptual founder. Both Mr. Raniere and Miss Mack’s initials appear on the scared tissue of the women’s pubic area after the hot iron branding is applied.
In addition to branding ‘K-R-A-M’ on the women, the all-female group are required to give Miss Mack what DOS’ members call “collateral”. This consists usually of nude photographs and recordings of confessions of an embarrassing or damning nature – to ensure members remain loyal to the leaders and do not reveal any of the secret teachings of the group.
Mr. Raniere is the only male member of DOS and is slave master of all the women. Miss Mack has acknowledged him publicly as her mentor, although she has yet to admit publicly of the existence of DOS.
Miss Mack in turn is the slave master of the women. Sources have identified at least two dozen women who have accepted Mr. Raniere and Miss Mack as their slave masters.
Mr. Raniere is also conceptual founder of Executive Success Programs, NXIVM, Knife of Aristotle, the Ethicist, the Society of Protectors, The Source, and Jness –an all-women’s group from which most members identified with DOS also have membership.
Miss Mack is on the executive board of Jness. Members of Jness, like all organizations based on Mr. Raniere’s teachings, require that students sign a confidentiality agreements prohibiting disclosure of Raniere’s teachings. Advanced teachings in most programs require students to post collateral to prevent them from revealing important proprietary teachings.
While Jness operates with secrecy, preliminary membership is open to students without pledging collateral. Once a women advances in Jness, she is offered an opportunity to be introduced to the higher teachings of Mr. Raniere.
Miss Mack has written on that Jness offers a “profound educational curriculum” that leads to “a greater understanding of the secret, honest world of femaleness.”
In addition to nude photographs or recordings of confessions, collateral can be assignations of signatory power on bank accounts, deeds, addendum to wills, and trusts, diverting inheritances to Mr. Raniere’s organizations or designee and are held in escrow. The pledger would lose her property collateral if Mr. Raniere determined that a breach occurred. In the case of nude photos and confessions, these would be released to individuals or the public as Mr. Raniere deems necessary to prevent further disclosures.
To maintain membership in DOS, women are required to make monthly offerings of collateral.
Entry into DOS begins with an invitation by a DOS member to a woman – usually already a member of Jness – to join a secret sorority where Mr. Raniere’s hidden teachings are more fully revealed.
It is followed by tendering collateral to Miss Mack and Mr. Raniere through the woman who invites a new member. Following the tender of collateral, the agreement to accept a master-slave relationships is required. The woman who makes the invitation becomes the immediate slave master of the women who is invited and to whom the former must refer to the latter as “master.” All members are required to recruit a specified number of slaves and all members are the slaves of Miss Mack and ultimately to Mr. Raniere.
Following the delivery of collateral, a probationary period ends with the hot iron branding and an agreement to follow Mr. Raniere for the duration of life.
Members are required to wear symbolic ‘collars’ in the form of a necklace, a waistlace or anklelace at all times to show obedience. Members must also request permission to retire for sleep and be prepared for readiness drills on a 24 hour basis, which require the slave to respond to a text message from Miss Mack or Mr. Raniere within 60 seconds or face corporal punishment via paddling.
DOS members are placed on special diets to enhance their ability to comprehend Mr. Raniere’s teachings.
Mr. Raniere is headquartered in Albany and has maintained offices in Niagara Falls, Los Angeles, and Mexico and elsehwere. Mr. Raniere divides his time with his female followers and resides with Miss Mack in Half Moon, New York a suburb of Albany.
Stay tuned for more of the secret initiation process and teachings of DOS. For those seeking to provide information or receive assistance, I may be reached at 716-990-5740. My email is]
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