Our decline is partly due to Orwellian confusion and lack of resolute behavior by our appointed or elected officials and trusted leaders. Within our education...
Author - Dr. John O. Hunter
President Emeritus, Alfred State College, SUNY
President Emeritus, College of Lake County, IL
Founding President, Penn Highlands College,PA
Phi Theta Kappa Distinquished President, WV Northern College
Dean of College, NCCC, Sanborn, NY
Within our presumed democratic society, the decline of rational method and the resulting instability is traceable to both political excess and cultural...
By Dr. John O. Hunter Did you ever think you would see what is now happening on our college campuses?– masked radicals punching women in the stomach...
By Dr. John O. Hunter “When one tugs at a single thing in nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.” (John Muir) My backyard has...
By Dr. John O. Hunter Burns and Yeats Selecting my favorite poets is difficult to do, and on another day, it may be others but always be in contention...
By Dr. John O. Hunter I attended the funeral of Pope John Paul II in Rome and experienced first hand the deep love of this man by thousands present from all...
By Dr. John O. Hunter “Thank heaven for little girls they grow up in the most delightful way.” Delara Derabi was 22 years old in Iranian prison, so...
by Dr. John O. Hunter Preface Ego baptizo te inome patris et filio et spiritus sancti I begin by using Latin (not to claim fluency, I am not!} but to...
By Dr. John O. Hunter We do not need lessons from an elite band of strategic philosophers or fake news artists or movie stars, dull as ditch water. We have in...
By Dr. John O. Hunter We know that we live in a material world which compels us to stay with rational interpretations and logical discovery– the...
End of Days? Part II By Dr. John O. Hunter Elsewhere, I have argued the difference between physical evolution and spiritual evolution and the hope for a new...
End of Days? Part I By Dr. John O. Hunter I grew up in a different country. Pale impressions of it appear now and then, but complete changes in social and...