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Sheriff Howard is in the Right

Erie County’s sheriff and law enforcement leaders around the country who’ve announced refusals to enforce new gun laws have drawn criticism. Those accusing them of picking which laws to enforce are either unaware of or unconcerned about the force of events compelling them to take a difficult position.

Law enforcers are responsible for carrying out these new laws criminalizing, ex post facto, legitimate activity and trade, not connected with crime. The great irony remaining unnoticed by many, including those charged with informing the public, is that the officials, party machines, and ideologues whose indignant posture is so intense after an unusual high-profile tragedy have never made a priority of pursuing street traffic in weapons which are already illegal. These weapons are purchased for criminal purposes,and the tools used in hundreds of homicides and injuries seen every year in each of our major cities.

Those responsible for this neglect, along with their politically driven laws, need to be challenged. Those whose intent is government monopoly of arms (and much else) are attempting to overturn a democratic principle rooted in common law, and much older. Lawmen like Howard need support before they are undermined, overridden, or coerced.

> Dan Hoffman, Buffalo

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