Search Results For - buffalo



Three of the most popular movie musicals of the 1980s, Flashdance (1983), Footloose (1984), and Dirty Dancing (1987) have been adapted for the stage but only...


Bach to the Future

The young and innovative musicians of the Buffalo Bach Project will make their Friends of Vienna debut this Sunday at 3:30pm in the Unity Church, 1243 Delaware...


Trumping the Left

What better topic to introduce my new column in this paper than Trump’s visit to Buffalo Monday night?  So there I was, in the press pen, literally...


Stagefright 4.14

By Javier Ten-time Tony Award winner Tommy Tune (pictured above) will be a special guest of honor this Saturday at the sold out gala event to celebrate...



With two solid weeks of spring weather, it seems that winter will not relinquish its icy grip on Buffalo. While it is easy to lament the return of the cold...


Koresh Dance

Koresh is a dance company that is literally at the forefront of contemporary modern dance,” said Jon Lehrer. As a dancer/choreographer and the founder of...

AV Artist Spotlight

At Artvoice, we want to help artists of all mediums show their work and reach their audience.  We are presently seeking artist submissions for publication...

Crisis Resources

Crisis Resources Buffalo Gyn Womenservices1-800-598-3783 Offering women in the Bflo, NY area safe, legal & confidential gyn medical...


The Art of Song

Just how many years ago did the vibrant, and long-standing traditions of the art song recital begin to slip towards its current, almost invisible status on the...

TV & Film

Lights, Camera, Action!

The upcoming 2016 festivities, which marks the events 10th anniversary, is set to take place next week from Wednesday, April 13th through Sunday, April 17th at...


Now Playing

MALCOLM X (1992)-  Spike Lee’s biopic starring Denzel Washington explores  the life and legacy of the controversial civil rights activist and...


Stagefright – 3.31.16

By Javier Actor/playwright/humorist Jesse Eisenberg (pictured above) is playing Lex Luthor in the current movie hit Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, which...


War and Peace

BPO program highlights works from the 1930’s relevant to today By Jan Jezioro Associate BPO conductor Stefan Sanders will be on the podium at Kleinhans...


Agamemnon Must Die

Aeschylus wrote his play Agamemnon more than 2400 years ago, and the powerful tragedy still resonates strongly, both with modern audiences and contemporary...