Ben Niu Breaks Down His Award-Winning Film Editing Work It’s time to talk about film editing, a rather niche discipline within the wider world of filmmaking, and a discipline that is absolutely crucial March 14, 2023 TV & Film
Finding the Red Thread: An Interview with DP Tom Ingwersen Tom Ingwersen is a filmmaker dedicated to sharing compelling and thought-provoking stories, regardless of whether those stories happen to take the form of narrative December 5, 2022 TV & Film
René Guajardo On Filmmaking and Making it in Film It’s difficult to talk about the filmmaking industry as a whole because it hasn’t been a monolith for quite some time. The Studio Age July 19, 2022 Arts & Culture·TV & Film·Visual Arts
Charles Carter: The Journey to Editing and What Comes Next At least in our opinion, coverage on filmmaking professionals tends to be skewed toward the present. In other words, there’s a lot of talk December 1, 2020 Theater·TV & Film·Visual Arts
Michael Tan: Having Your Own VFX ‘Marque de Fabrique’ From an outsider’s perspective, VFX work seems to be all about doing exactly what’s needed to achieve the desired effect, and it is. But November 30, 2020 Arts & Culture·TV & Film
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