Long ago, before the rise of television shows like “Adventure Time” and “The Powerpuff Girls,” Cartoon Network showed only old cartoons. Many of these cartoons...
Tag - Gabriel Allandro
I cried while reading this story, and I have no clue why. Seriously, I can’t fully wrap my head around this story, and yet something about this made me...
REBELS: A WELL-REGULATED MILITIA Brian Wood (Author) Andrea Mutti, Matthew Woodson, Ariela Kristantina, Tristan Jones (Illustrator) Dark Horse Comics...
Rick and Morty: Volume One is based on the funny and entertaining [adult swim] show “Rick and Morty.” Created by Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland, the adult...
Geoff Johns (Author) and John Romita Jr. (Illustrator) DC Comics (Publisher) Review by Gabriel Allandro A pair of scientist parents. A doomed world. A...
By Mark Waid (Author) and Peter Krause (Illustrators) IDW Publishing (Publisher) > Review by Gabriel Allandro Irredeemable was a horrifying take on the...
It comes along every so often, that perfect buddy-action book that fits together like peanut butter and jelly. Deadpool & Cable is not that book. But...
Two fan-favorite D.C. characters, Harley Quinn and Power Girl, team up in what has to be the most underrated adventures ever written. I mean, how can you go...
It’s a thin line between villainy and heroism, andDeadshot: Bulletproof walks that razor’s edge with a blend of sharp art, an edgy plot and...