an Arizona football super fan

March 24, 2013

Game day gear for Pete Zolkiewski includes a red suit (the jacket has sequins), a team jersey, full face paint and a bushy red wig.

Cardinals fan Pete Zolkiewski of Glendale cheers during the game against the Browns (cq) at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale on Sunday, December 2, 2007.(Photo: David Wallace)

Think you’re theArizona Cardinals’ biggest fan? Prove it.

Show us your super fan cred.

Pete Zolkiewski did.

Zolkiewski moved to metro Phoenix in 1988, the same year the Cardinals pulled up stakes from St. Louis and headed west to Arizona.

You could say he’s been a super fan ever since.

Game day gear for Zolkiewski, also known as Cardinal Pete,includes a red suit (the jacket hassequins), a team jersey,Cheap Jerseys china full face paint and a bushy red wig.

“We always get the people up and screamingand protecting the nest,” he said.

All about Cardinal PeteName: Pete Zolkiewski, aka Cardinal Pete. You know, like every other city has, when you look at Chicago, it’s the Bears. You think of Denver, you think of the Broncos. I want it to become a place that when you think of Phoenix, you think of the Cardinals, and it’s because of the success that we’ve had on the field and not only that, but the fans. We’re a melting pot, we’re from everywhere and most of the fans here have decided to give up their alliances to whatever team they grew up with and support the Cardinals. I think it’s great, and my kids, they see what I do and how much of my life Iput into the team. PanthersBuyer beware of Super Bowl 50 ticket scams

Why the Cardinals: “I moved here the same year they did, and I was always a big fan of football. There is no sense to meto root for a team from a city that I will never ever live in, just absolutely no sense to me. And because I want the Cardinals to become a fabric of our society, to me, that represents who I am. Diamondbacks, Suns, Rattlers, Cardinals same thing. When they came here, it was just like bringing home a step child or a child from another marriage, you just have to take the team in and accept them. There was some growing pains, there’s no doubt about it, but that’s what I think molded a lot of these fansand made them the loyal super fans that they are. Because it wasn’t always easy to root for the team. Matter of fact, there was many times that I was the only one in the places I worked that actually cared about them, and it was rather frustrating. I served in the Air Force, and I know that, in my eight years, I was the only Cardinals fan where I was at. So, that’s got to tell you something: I was the only one!”

Favorite player and why: “That’s just like asking your favorite child. If you were to ask me the one player that represents the Cardinals most, i would have to tellyou two. Obviously, Pat Tillman because I feel he embodies a lot of what the Cardinals fans are: sacrifice. I mean, it’s easy to root for a winner, anyone can, but to sacrifice all of the fame and glory to stay and to sacrifice all that and goserve your country. And then asa fan you know, the ability to root for a team that maybe you were born into or for a team that you like to follow because they’re successful. I think that’s what Pat did, and the other player isLarry Fitzgerald. Larry, he obviously embodies everything you want to see in a superstar. The guy is a phenomenal athlete, he is a winner, he wills his team to win, he makes it his mission to try to go to the Super Bowl every year and win, and he’s loyal. He’s everything a Cardinals fan is, and I don’t know how better a representation of a franchise and of a fan base you have than Larry.”

“We all remember when Bears fans took over University of Phoenix Stadium,” said longtime Cardinals fan Pete Zolkiewski. “Now we want to return the favor.” (Photo: Pete Zolkiewski)

Favorite place to watch: “At the stadium. That’s it, if I could just live there, I’d be happy there. I love it, it’s the best place.”

Favorite Cardinals moment: “Probably the NFC Championship andwatching the clock go down to zero, seeing the team just go wild. That’s probably the proudest moment I’ve had as a fan. Knowing that we went to the Super Bowl. . We actually finally made ourselves a legitimate football team and I thought we captured the hearts of the city after that.”

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