Great White Hunter Opens Sandwich Shop on Elmwood

March 10, 2016

> by James Hufnagel

Some of the menu items at the recently-opened Jimmy John’s Gourmet Sandwiches on Elmwood Avenue may lend a whole new meaning to the term “bagging” lunch.

That’s because Jimmy John’s owner, James John Liautaud, is an avid big game hunter who loves to travel to places like Africa, seek out big, beautiful, wild animals, and shoot them dead––his notion of “sport.” According to one hunting magazine his victims include elephant, rhino, bear, leopard, lynx, wolf, hyena and zebra.

On the left Jimmy has bagged an elephant and on the right a giant grizzly bear, two animals that few sandwich shop owners  ever get to kill.  In recent years, following protests by anti hunting activists who threatened to not buy their gourmet sandwiches at his shops, Jimmy John Liautuad removed all images he could of his big game hunting exploits. Happily some were preserved by others to permanently record his brave deeds.
On the left Jimmy has bagged an elephant and on the right a giant grizzly bear, two animals that few sandwich shop owners ever get to kill. In recent years, following protests by anti hunting activists who threatened to not buy their gourmet sandwiches at his shops, Jimmy John Liautuad removed all images he could of his big game hunting exploits. Happily some were preserved by others to permanently record his brave deeds.
“I choose to hunt and I choose to fish,” he declared in a recent, Nov. 2015 Chicago Tribune interview. “Everything I’ve done has been totally legal. And the meat has been eaten, if not by me, then by someone…”

You may want to factor that into your meal-time deliberations.

The new “Gourmet Sandwich” shop, or what was once commonly referred to as a “deli”, is located on the ground floor of a new $3.5 million, three-story building at 770 Elmwood, between Cleveland and Auburn Aves. Jimmy John’s has three other stores locally, near the north and south UB campuses and on Transit Road, Williamsville.

Somewhat surprisingly, there appears to be no appreciable backlash from the Elmwood community, an upscale, hip enclave progressive on social issues, with regards to the background of their newest neighbor and merchant. Most of the kvetching on the Buffalo Rising and Buffalo News web sites centers on the advisability of locating yet another soulless national chain restaurant on the strip, detracting from its trendy and distinctive character.

For example, “Wow really? Jimmy John’s? Whoever the franchisee is (at) this location is out of touch. Opening a chain sandwich shop next to Globe, Spot, Panera and down the street from a multitude of others in a neighborhood that chooses local over national 8 times out of 10 is a little idiotic.”

The delight on Jimmy John’s face after killing this tusker is comparable to the delight you will experience eating his gourmet sandwiches. We recommend the vegetarian, described as “layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo.  Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only.... peace dude”.  Following protests, the Johan Calitz Safaris pulled down these copyrighted images from their online marketing. (left and below)
The delight on Jimmy John’s face after killing this tusker is comparable to the delight you will experience eating his gourmet sandwiches. We recommend the vegetarian, described as “layers of provolone cheese separated by real avocado spread, sliced cucumber, lettuce, tomato and mayo. Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians only…. peace dude”. Following protests, the Johan Calitz Safaris pulled down these copyrighted images from their online marketing. (left and below)

While the Elmwood Village Association web site features a section entitled, “WHAT IS THE ELMWOOD VILLAGE ASSOCIATION?”, perhaps the more relevant question would be “WHERE IS THE ELMWOOD VILLAGE ASSOCIATION?”, given that “(t)he purpose of The Elmwood Village Association is to preserve and protect the unique and historic nature of Elmwood Avenue and its surrounding neighborhoods by increasing civic involvement and encouraging neighborhood revitalization.”

A search of its site on “Jimmy” yields nothing, while a search on “sandwich” only lists contact information for Erbert & Gerbert’s Sandwich Shop down the street.

Of the many on-line comments, only a couple touch on the disgusting hobby of Jimmy John Liautaud, including “Not to mention that Jimmy John Liautaud likes killing big game animals. Just google him. That will go over well in the EV (Elmwood Village) neighborhood.”

According to Wikipedia, Jimmy also bankrolls NASCAR, Ultimate Fighting and something called the “Jimmy John’s Freaky Fast 300” at Chicagoland Speedway,  Jimmy John (right) embraces a Delta Leopard he apparently killed in 2010.

Some on social media are calling for a boycott of the new Jimmy John’s eatery, in protest of the noble creatures that have served as target practice for the sandwich tycoon. One Facebook post reads “Bad enough another fast food joint is opening in our neighborhood… but this fat f*** is the owner. Shame on any neighbor who crosses its threshold (which I expect none will), and the sandwiches probably suck anyway. Let’s hope it fails miserably and closes soon.” Another person added “I’ve been complaining about this stupid chain restaurant since I saw the “coming soon” sign. I read about this a**hole’s trophy hunting last summer. It’s disgusting. I hope the Elmwood location is a huge failure.”

On the other hand, one individual using the handle @Cara_Ann_B disagreed, tweeting “Unless JJs is secretly putting rhino meat in my #12 Beach Club, I’m not abt to boycott delish sandwiches #JimmyJohns.”Jimmy John (right) embraces a Delta Leopard he apparently killed in 2010.

Boycott and ostracization of a business because of an appalling propensity on the part of its owner to shoot defenseless animals is not without recent precedent, as dentist Walter Palmer of Eden Prairie, Minnesota recently found out the hard way.

Palmer’s alleged poaching of an elderly, revered lion named Cecil during a Zimbabwean safari, baiting the animal and then using a bow and arrow to maximize the cruelty of the act, caused an international sensation. His Facebook, Yelp and business web site pages were all inundated with recriminations and enen threats. He had to close his dental office and drop out of sight for an entire month for personal safety reasons.

We are in no way advocating similar harassment. However, given the panoply of lunchtime and snack options available along the Elmwood strip, an economic boycott could send a powerful message to the Jimmy Johns of the world.

111 Comments Leave a Reply

  1. Thanks
    Ryan for saving poor, backward Africa by killing their majestic animals just
    for the fun of it. We appreciate it from the American People who also helped
    the world by causing global warming. It is the 21st century. Wild
    animals are under threat. To decimate their population in the name of sport is
    no longer acceptable to civilized societies. I presume from your words that you
    consider Africa uncivilized. Donating money to save animals is a global effort
    and not just from your country and in no way should be used as an excuse to
    condone the killing of wild animals for fun who are not only under threat from
    hunting for pleasure and poaching but also from global warming.

  2. hey now yall can we all just get along?
    For starters, though this man did kill what are majestic animals, he did so in a humane way that brought money and food to the people of these villages. Second, this also brought money to the conservation to protect these animals from poachers.
    You also seem to attach all hunters as people looking for cheap thrills which is wrong. Now I wont say there is not a thrill in hunting, because there is, but it goes much deeper as its for the food, the adventure, the love for the outdoors just to name a few. These hunters often times are people who love nature and take the time to enjoy it and will spend the time to clean up the trash and take care of the environment.
    Lastly, before we come in hating on this man for his hunt lets think back to a time or money we have donated to helping the same organizations his money has gone to. Not many of us can think of an instance because we haven’t. And yes, before we start saying well I wouldn’t do in the same manner as him, he still did provide the money that will be used for good use.

  3. Like I said, no hypocrisy here…

    So you claim to know about conservation, huh? So tell me, what happens when the populations of the Cheetahs, Lions, Giraffe, and yes, even the Rinos grow larger than the available habitat can support?

    I can tell you what happened here in the USA, when the state of OHIO cancelled their Whitetail Deer season for just 3 years back in the early 1950’s.
    At the end of those 3 years, over 600,000 deer died of disease and starvation because they over-populated the available habitat. What people didn’t understand, is that animals like deer when there is no vegetation, will start to eat the bark off trees. And once a tree trunk is stripped of bark all the way around, that tree dies.
    The damage all those deer did to their environment took 10 years to recover from – with man’s help – to get back to the point where it could again support its normal deer population on its own.
    Now… do you want to guess how many other species of animals who rely on the forest for food and shelter died as well?
    Do you want to guess what the increase was in deer/car collisions those years. How about how much damage the deer did to the surround farms lands?

    I don’t think you quite understand what conservation is. You apparently think it will be better for the park rangers to have to go in and destroy a certain number of animals every year to keep the populations balanced?
    I guess it better that those animals be wasted for nothing, instead of generating revenue for the conservation programs by selling licenses to hunters. I’m sure all those park rangers like to work for free… especially when they have to chase armed poachers around.
    I also guess the locals don’t need the income hunting would generate for them either?
    In fact I just read a article a little while ago, where that park that the Cecil the lion cluster-screw took place now has to send their rangers out to kill a certain number of lions… because no one showed up and bought hunting licenses. That’s just brilliant! The animals still have to be culled and not a dime going to fund those programs.

    Seriously, you people need to leave conservation to the experts, before you kill all the wildlife off.

  4. Why would I need to do any of those things? I realize and understand
    that my and all humans’ existence and lifestyle comes at a cost to
    nature. That is why I support conservation and regulated hunting.
    Your “carbon footprint” still claims a toll on nature, regardless of how small you believe it is. How is pointing out that fact being “nit-picky”? You are against hunting, but yet you haven’t come up with another alternative to balance what you have unbalanced just by being here.

  5. You are mistaking poaching for hunting. Poaching is illegal. Hunting regulated by conservation is not illegal.

  6. Have YOU done any of those things? Give me a break. We’re human. To a certain degree, we’re going to live like humans. My carbon footprint is the smallest I can reasonably make it short of walking around naked and not participating in the earth at all. Lord. Nit-picky much?

  7. Yes it is perfectly civilised to slaughter cattle at an accredited abattoir. Living in Africa, how can I not know about conservation and hunting. We have a hunting season for buck which is used for FOOD. You cannot eat a Rhino. It is hunted for the thrill…………..Cheetah’s, Lions, Giraffe all are hunted for pleasure. You really think this is great???

  8. You don’t get the point. RHINOS!!!!! We spend a lot of money to protect them but because the Chinese and Vietnamese need the horns for “medicinal purposes”, they are hunted mercilessly. You can’t eat Rhino meat and we want to protect our heritage. Childish or not.

  9. Sorry Phil, I’m from a third world country and I don’t understand what a hippie liberal douche is. I’ve tried googling and douche and it doesn’t make sense to me. Our animals in South Africa must be protected. Rhinos are being killed every day and it makes us heartsore. The meat that we eat is not farmed like they do in America.
    YOU CANNOT EAT RHINO MEAT so stop being disrespectful to third world people who would like to keep their dignity. These are the AFRICAN facts of which you know little.

  10. So its okay to kill some animals in a slaughter house with a air hammer, that often doesn’t quite do the job, then drive hooks through the animal’s rear legs and hoist it up upside-down, then slit its throat while its still alive to bleed it out? But its not okay to hunt some animals, who have a chance of escaping, plus your paying license and tax fees that go toward the conservation and management of said animals so the species thrives in healthier numbers?
    Top this off with, if you pay someone else to kill your food for you, so you don’t have to see the act or dirty your own hands with it, you are somehow more moral than the person who goes out and harvests a game animal on their own, thereby taking the responsibility of killing their own food themselves instead of passing it own to someone else?
    Oh yeah… no hypocrisy there at all.

    I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’ve never hunted or even know any hunters at all. Much less actually understand conservation or how it has to work if wildlife populations are to maintain balance with the habitat available to them. So you’ll understand when I don’t give you too much credibility in this discussion.

  11. “Childish” because it points out the fact that your very existence and lifestyle makes regulated hunting necessary, and you are unable to come to terms with it?

  12. I don’t even hunt, try again you assumptative liberal fucktard. People that do save money on meat and it keeps animals from starving to death over the winter you ragingly ignorant hippie liberal douche. You abhor hunting but probably have meat in your fridge that was tortured before being killed and most likely bled out, whereas animals that are hunted are shot in the heart or lungs so they die quicker. So learn the facts before you have an opinion next time and get a job you hippie idiot.

  13. There is an enormous difference in raising animals for consumption and going out gung-ho and shooting and murdering animals for the pure, unadulterated joy of it. No hypocrisy here and by the way, I have no idea what or where Elmwood is.

  14. Phil what is about you that you love hunting animals. Does it make you feel like a macho man??

  15. Shame Phil, I feel sorry for you. I am African and our Rhino’s are being murdered for the their horns. We have a huge problem with poaching and need to save our Rhinos. I think you are the one who does not understand.

  16. Not true… To hunt for fun and cheap thrills. Also they sell the horns for aphrodisiacs to the limp dicks in Asia. We need to protect our Rhinos!!!

  17. My point is, you elmwood hipsters have no clue about conservation or hunting yet you claim to be outraged about something that, again, you don’t understand. I’ll bet you eat slaughterhouse meat that was killed with 100x the cruelty of hunting, and even if you’re veg the majority of vegetables will completely ruin the soil over time (without rotation). You people are the only problem I see, because you continue to have opinions about things you don’t fucking understand

  18. White rhinos have achieved huntable numbers in recent years, look it up. Only black rhinos are endangered

  19. White rhinos have achieved huntable numbers in recent years, look it up. Only black rhinos are endangered

  20. Maybe you think that because you’re sick at your core, but no it’s to collect meat and also to keep animals from starving to death. Learn anything before you have an opinion you college liberal hippie douche

  21. Maybe you think that because you’re sick at your core, but no it’s to collect meat and also to keep animals from starving to death. Learn anything before you have an opinion you college liberal hippie douche

  22. It’s a legal sport across the globe . What makes people like you think you have the right to persecute him for doing so? I’m not a hunter. I don’t want to kill any living thing. But i’m not going to bash the guy for doing what he likes. But I should know better, it’s what you Elmwood Village liberals enjoy doing .

  23. Who care what he does with his own money… Really he shouldn’t be murdering animals for fun

  24. If there is overpopulation, the AFRICAN authorities deal with it. We don’t need you to come and get cheap kills and thrills here.

  25. If there is overpopulation, the AFRICAN authorities deal with it. We don’t need you to come and get cheap kills and thrills here.

  26. Tell me why you love hunting so much. I don’t understand it. To kill something for fun… it’s too much for me take in

  27. I’m from Africa and crops are not destroyed by any species. We don’t have overpopulation of animals!!!!

  28. And you approve of Trumps sons enjoying hunting. Not for food but for the cheap thrill they get. Aaaah Great White Republican Hunter.

  29. That’s big lie the hunting scence likes to tell. Nature needs no hunting. Nowhere. If there were an overpopulation of deer or whatelse (prey), there would be more predators. If there were less prey, there would be less predators. Some animals would starve, but that is nature. Nature would regulate itself as it did for decades. Hunting in our days is not more than a hobby for people who like to shoot living creatures. Nevertheless I don’t want to say that this is a totally bad thing as long as the meat is consumed/the fur is used… I highly appreciate that Artvoice adresses topics like this.

  30. “extrapolated”? Welcome to the conversation days later, Jimmy Johns public relations disaster control specialist.

  31. ArtVoice, you are completely off your rocker for publishing this with complete disregard for actual research. You should really get your facts straight before you open yourself up to a libel lawsuit. The owner of this Jimmy John’s location is not Jimmy John Liautaud, the CEO. The owner of this Jimmy John’s location is DJ Manning, the franchisee. Jimmy John, the CEO, currently owns only ~50 locations out 2300+. Also, it would be good to note that Panera is by no means a “local” thing; it’s a subsidiary of the St. Louis Bread Co. You’ve also failed to mention that Jimmy John Liautaud, the CEO, has completely pulled his intentions of making the company public this last December because, “I don’t think my wheelhouse is comfortable in Wall Street,” said the founder and CEO of the restaurant chain that has born his name since he first opened it in 1983. “My wheelhouse is small-town America.” That’s a direct quote from Jimmy John himself. All I read in this article is an extremely extrapolated opinion over the ethics of big game hunting being used as economic warfare against a franchise that has no ties to its CEO other than the name causing turmoil and harassment for the actual owners and employees.

  32. I know… the truth is hard for some people to accept.
    However, I’m not the one ignoring anything. Still doesn’t change the fact that your lifestyle and all your creature comforts come at some price to nature.

  33. Are you for real right now? Nope, I walk around naked and eat grass. Give me a break. There is a HUGE DIFFERENCE that you are willfully ignoring. Just stop.

  34. So have you stopped eating? Buying things made in factories that stand on land that once supported wildlife? Lobbied to have roads torn up, buildings torn down and the land returned to nature? Did you take a bulldozer to your home and leveled it so the animals again have a place to play?
    Not a hard point to get.

  35. So have you stopped eating? Buying things made in factories that stand on land that once supported wildlife? Lobbied to have roads torn up, buildings torn down and the land returned to nature? Did you take a bulldozer to your home and leveled it so the animals again have a place to play?
    Not a hard point to get.

  36. Yes, you asked if hunting humans would be okay. So I asked in return if you were volunteering yourself first? Then I pointed out that if you were not going to volunteer, then don’t expect others to. Most people would have realized that was a answer to your question.

    You then circle back to the same question, “Your life isn’t worth anymore than anyone and anything else.” So… if you believe that human life is not worth more than any other life, and the problem being mankind’s expansion creating less habitat to support wildlife, why then have you not taken yourself and your family out of the equation? Why are you not practicing what you preach?

    You fail to realize, we already are in the equation. That is how conservation and its programs came about. What man unbalances, man has a duty to restore. You may not be “okay” with animals being hunted to maintain their population levels, but that doesn’t change the fact that it has to be done if any wildlife is to survive.

    Like most anti-hunters, you probably don’t know about a little incident that happened in Ohio in the early 50’s when they cancelled their deer season for just 3 years. At the end of those 3 years over 600,000 Whitetail Deer died from starvation and disease. The damage they did to the environment trying to find enough to eat took 10 years to recover from – with man’s help – to get back to the point where it could support its normal deer population on its own again.
    You also probably don’t realize that when deer get hungry enough, the will eat the bark off trees. And once the bark is stripped all the around the trunk… that tree dies. Do you want to guess how many other animals that rely on woodland areas died as well as a result?

    As far as “me” not doing anything. I’ve hunted for years. The taxes I pay on hunting gear also go to fund conservation. In fact, there were times when I knew I couldn’t make hunting, yet I bought a license anyway just to support conservation programs. I’ve donated to wildlife rehab programs. So the question now is… what have YOU personally done for wildlife?
    By the way… thanks to conservation and regulated hunting, wildlife specialists figure that there are more deer now in the US than there were when Lewis & Clark made their expedition.

  37. There is no reason in the world to ever kill any majestic wild animal for the sake of acquiring a a trophy.

  38. Lol everyone wants to think of wild animals as some happy family in a Disney movie. These animals would have starved to death from old age or been torn apart by a lion. Guess how many animals in the wild die from old age? it’s 0. I do not think a quick human death is any less than dying from harsh realities of nature.

  39. What a garbage article. Do some research… if it weren’t for hunters there would be no areas of conservation in Africa. All the endangered animals would already be extinct if it weren’t for the money from hunting. Do you have any idea how much some of these permits cost? Hundreds of thousands of dollars which are all being put towards conservation.

  40. That’s funny that you’re asking me a question back when I’m asking you first whether you would think that’s ok. If I’m not ok with animals being hunted to apparently “restore” what makes you think I’m ok with killing mankind? So that brings me back to , if you’re supporting this, then its only right for you to sacrifice yourself and family if need be to restore humanity. Your life isn’t worth anymore than anyone and anything else. Instead of targeting the bigger issues, you wanna sit on your ass and be like oh this is ok, this is for the conservation. Put you in the equation and it suddenly isn’t ok. Just saying..

  41. I can appreciate that. I can also appreciate that I don’t give a f if the picture was 10 20 or 30 years ago. I do not, nor will I ever, agree that ‘hunting’ (lol) exotic species for trophy is ok in any way, shape, or form. On any planet at any time under any circumstances. I have an uncle who regularly attends African Safari hunting . He has the carcass, fully intact, shipped back on a plane and pays a taxidermist to stuff it for display. No one ate that meat. No one made clothing out of its skin. It’s purely causing pain for pleasure, and that makes him a sociopath. As you can imagine, we wildly differ in our opinion of what is right or morally just.

  42. Yep. Those damn rabbits always eating my carrots. Give me a break. We’re not talking about rhinos stampeding into a village and flattening it. For God’s sake.

  43. There are a helll of a lot of us who don’t participate or support factory farming… What’s your point?

  44. We have a word for that: Sociopath. And that’s exactly what this douchbag is. Legal does not equal moral justification. It’s ‘legal’ in some countries to throw acid on the face of a woman who denies your proposal. See how ridiculous that sounds? Ugh. The ignorance… it’s just astounding.

  45. I hardly think his MO is making sure these economically depressed communities are having their basic needs met as the top of his priority list when he’s got an exotic species in his laser sight. This is simply appalling any way you look at it. If I told you the only way to rebuild a town in the US was to go in there and shoot down all the wildlife that lived there BEFORE US, would that be ok? This is not culling the herd. This is engaging in killing for fun. It’s not a sport. It’s sociopathic behavior with zero regard for the fact that these animals have offspring to care for. What a disgusting display of just how fucked up some humans can be. This is embarassing.

  46. I can appreciate your view, but only if you carry it through everything you buy, eat, wear, drink, use, etc.. Do you research the background of ownership of all the products in your life? Think about that and don’t just jump on this band wagon because you happen to see an article with photos which by the way are 5-10 years old and if you read the article, Nov. 2015 Chicago Tribune interview, he no longer participates in such hunts. I am definitely not going to pretend I can change anyone’s view, we are all free to have option’s, I just want people to know the whole story and not just the small portion this reporter chose to print. I don’t believe in everything I see printed, I like to do a little research myself.

  47. I must add that there are other, less barbaric and subhuman ways to bring ‘money’ to these severely deprived and suffering regions…. big game ‘hunting’ need not be one of them. Time to clean house starting with the powers that be and the gross corruption within that causes these 3rd world communities to get by on $3 a month. Killing exotic species for funsies ought to constitute drawing and quadtering. This is appalling.

  48. Shame on Artvoice? I’m sorry, but there is a HUGE subset of actual humans who wouldn’t support, or be a party to, any ‘business’ whether directly or indirectly operated by a franchisee or owner who’s moral compass is so out of line with basic humanity that it boggles the mind. I, for one, am glad disgusting supporters of this practice are publicized and I will NOT be bringing business there for this very reason. There are those of us who absolutely appreciate knowing who we’re giving our money to, and this douchbag will not be one of them.

  49. Shame on Artvoice? I’m sorry, but there is a HUGE subset of actual humans who wouldn’t support, or be a party to, any ‘business’ whether directly or indirectly operated by a franchisee or owner who’s moral compass is so out of line with basic humanity that it boggles the mind. I, for one, am glad disgusting supporters of this practice are publicized and I will NOT be bringing business there for this very reason. There are those of us who absolutely appreciate knowing who we’re giving our money to, and this douchbag will not be one of them.

  50. Yes, hunts are controlled by organizations like Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) to sell five permits for the hunting of adult male black rhinos each year FOR BIG MONEY. That money is needed in those communities. What upsets me is that ARTVOICE is trying to destroy the lives of local families who live right here in our OWN community! These restaurants are not owned by Jimmy John, they are locally owned and operated by families who live her, work here, pay taxes and are just trying to stay afloat and take care of their families like everyone else. So SHAME on you ARTVOICE

  51. The fact is that it is glorified. That is the twisted part of all of this. This guy could give a shit about conservation.

  52. Good question – and I am leading by example…by a myriad of ways. I did not choose to be born, but I am choosing to live by leaving this earth better than how I find it. Respecting all life is only one way. Helping to clean up the environment is another. I cannot be responsible for anyone else’s behavior, but I do my own.

  53. What? you pull in politics? What does politics have to do with killing animals??? Well – being that I am a registered republican hopefully will help you refocus on the issue being discussed here. (I would venture a guess from your insulting nature that you are a Trump follower though.)

  54. This article wasn’t just on Artvoice, I read an article in the news and also on a website. I do not appreciate being called names such as hole nor do I appreciate opinions being stuffed down mine and others throats on here. Yes, we are ALL entitled to opinions and calling me names shows me the character of who I’m dealing with. And for those that made comments……NO, I have no meat in my home. Hunters are all the same, they talk and brag and it’s sickening to me. Just once take a second and think, gee maybe I could be wrong or is that too hard for you to do?? For now go away and tell your stories and lies to somebody that cares, I have no use for any of your crap.

  55. I love this article. In a city with the likes of Jim’s Steak Out and Mike’s Subs, there is no need to support JJ’s sub par sandwiches. The photos of this moron and his grinning thumbs-up over the carcasses of innocent animals are enough to turn my stomach. There are plenty of other choices- boycott away. And shame on Elmwood Village for not following its own mission statement!

  56. The true conservationist values all life and is not hell bent to kill an animal for no reason.

  57. None of these species are on the endangered list either, white rhinos and elephants can be hunted as well as kodiak bears. Learn something about conservation

  58. contracts to safeway for my bit of chicken or beef have nothing to do with the idea of shooting an endangered species for fun. people who think that taking up a sixteenth century idea of show and tell in the here and now are to stupid for words to discribe…get a camera

  59. Who cares what he does with his own money and his own time. How about you first educate yourself on how the world works. its perfectly fine for you to eat that meat in your fridge that was slaughtered 100x more inhumanely than to let him eat what he hunted and killed on his own? Go screw!

  60. Bob, she’s just a useless hole with zero clue of how the world works outside of buffalo and what she reads in artvoice

  61. You’re probably voting for Bernie too. Hippies are bad, but nothing beats elmwood village entitled hippies .

  62. I always though humans were part of nature… seeing we were born here and all.

    So, same question as I ask the other guy. If humans are so threatening to the planet, then when are you taking yourself and your family out of the equation?
    Don’t you think the “educated” people should lead by example?

  63. So… you live in a tent? Oh wait… you have solar panels and use electricity, so maybe you do own a house. You have a garden too. All that takes up space that use to support wildlife. You make Earth healthy purchases? All that was made in a factory and transported over roads that where once places that supported wildlife. Just like your solar panels were made in. The seeds for your garden that were produced on farms and greenhouses… all ex-wildlife space. By the way, do you use fertilizer and plant food in your garden? Where do you think the calcium in those comes from? Could it be bone meal? Where do you think that stuff was made? Another factory and then trucked over the road, perhaps?
    You may ride a bike, but it also sounds like you also own a vehicle. Where was that made? Where did the fuel you put in it come from? Do you drive it to work? To stores? To see a movie? Drop the kids of at school? Does the place you work at to earn a paycheck sit on land somewhere? Does it use electricity that is not from solar power? Does it use items brought in by truck or send items out by truck? Does it require a garbage service to remove trash and a dump to take it to? Does your home have trash pick-up also. Do you have a well, or do you use city water that requires a treatment plant? Do you till your garden by hand, or do you use a rotor-tiller? I’m pretty sure that was produced in a factory somewhere, trucked to a store, then transported to your home, where it requires electricity or gas to run.
    Did you go to school? Do your kids go to school? I bet the school was build on land that wildlife use to run around on. Do you own any gold or silver? That had to be mined, you know. Likewise the metal that your bike is made of. Again all using land. Just like the cotton that your clothes are made from required land to grow. Do you like leather shoes, or gloves, or handbags? how about your furniture? Any covered in leather? Somewhere out there is a skinless cow you should thank for that. Regardless of what you think, you are still leaving a large footprint behind that costs nature in some way. Just like everyone else.
    “You cannot have chosen to come onto this Earth”? Well, you can chose to leave it at any time… yet you haven’t. I don’t know why… you seem to have a rather low opinion of humans, so why wouldn’t you have corrected that fault and removed yourself?
    I guess your own personal living is more important to you than making way so other species can survive in your place. So why are others “arrogant fools” when they make the same choice for life as you?

  64. What exactly do you think Conservation is if not restoring the balance of nature so the available habitat and wildlife match what can be supported?
    I believe I’ve already pointed out in other posts that mankind is the reason conservation is needed.
    Which brings us back to my unanswered question. As you’ve implied, ” If someone claims that killing mankind to restore humanity is the way to go”, are you volunteering to take yourself and your family out of the equation first? I mean it be for a “good cause”, so more wildlife can live.
    If you are not going to volunteer, then you shouldn’t expect anyone else to either. Your theory is silly and pointless… and solves nothing.
    Conservation on the other hand, is working out very fine… that is as long as the uneducated don’t muck with it.

  65. Hhhmmm – nature naturally controls species as it has done long before humans. And no educated person would deny that the ONLY overpopulated species threatening other species is humans – across the entire planet.

  66. I agree that humans are THE problem – including me and my family! But I am no hippocrate. I cannot have chosen to come onto this earth, but I sure have control of the impact of my life. I have chosen not to overpopulate the earth with children…are choosing to live simply…choose earth healthy purchases…I have solar panels that produce more electricity than I use, walk and ride a bike whenever possible, support conservation and habitat preservation, not an overweight gutton, grow my own food in a garden (no bone meal)….etc, etc.
    Humans think they are most important and smarter, but we are the stupidest species there is and most self centered arrogant fools. Fortunately some day, humans will put our own species on the endangered species list and hopefully in enough time for other species to survive.

  67. Who said anything about restore? If someone claims that killing mankind to restore humanity is the way to go, then would you oppose of it? So who let us play GOD on others but not on us?

  68. Please tell us then which are becoming extinct? Also explain why Africa has an overpopulation of elephants in many areas, do you propose relocating them? Until you answer such basic questions your opinion is ridiculous.

  69. So… are you volunteering to take yourself and your family out of the equation first?
    I’m really not sure what you are getting at. You listed all these bad points against mankind but seem to be against the one good point where man is attempting to restore balance to nature by using conservation.

  70. Animals that are hunted stand a better chance at escaping and surviving than your last hamburger or chicken wing did. I also find it odd that you question the ethics of someone who goes out and kills their own food while you pay someone else to raise and kill yours. Just because you didn’t see it and didn’t kill the animal yourself makes you some how more moral? Something still died so you could eat and not die.
    Even if you don’t eat meat, it takes more than just crap to grow vegetables. The blood and bone meal used in growing large amounts of crops comes from somewhere. Something still died to grow the food you eat… again, so you don’t die.
    You also don’t grasp the concept that your, and your family’s, very existence comes at a cost to nature that makes regulated hunting necessary. Everything you do, and every place you go comes at a cost to nature. So unless you have, bulldozed down your home, torn down the places you work at, shop at, go for entertainment. Ripped up the roads you travel on, leveled the places that product all your creature comforts, and taken down all the farms that produce all the food you eat… and returned all that land back to nature so it again support a larger population of wildlife… you don’t have a credible argument in this.
    The “sick human behavior” here is the hypocrisy. The sad part is that most of you don’t realize that you are a hypocrite.

  71. I know this isn’t the point, but there’s a factual inaccuracy here. Unless they’ve changed their recipes in the past 8 months, Jimmy John’s bread is not vegan. So no, they do not have “an excellent vegan sandwich.” They have lies. And apparently rhino horns.

  72. I don’t really care for legal trophy big game hunting (especially if you don’t consume the animal), but if you actually dig into the details, it’s not too dissimilar to hunting here – where most of the dollars generated actually go back into enabling the conservation and protection of those same species. Therefore, if you’re going to protest this kind of thing – you’d better be contributing financially to the conservation of these animals and habitats yourself, or else you’re just another ignorant, self-centered, misinformed human being who doesn’t understand the true impacts of their actions.

  73. Without legal, permitted hunting, there would be no white rhinos or elephants to hunt. Or deer, for that matter. All of the conservation efforts in this country (and elsewhere) have been paid for by hunting permits and a federal tax on firearms.

  74. The human race is overpopulated. People are dying and starving and there are diseases we can’t cure. There’s crazy shit happening within our race. The wars we’ve started. Crimes. Pollution. We’re the ones destroying earth. Do we deserve to be hunted? It’s ok to see others get put down in an inhumane way, but i bet you’d be begging for your own life when it’s happening to you. Nobody gives a rats arse unless it’s personal.

  75. You call me immoral but I’ll bet you have ground beef in your fridge right now. Those animals for worse than any animal that gets hunted. And if you actually read his statements all the meat gets eaten

  76. All of you misunderstand the point of hunting, which Is to get meat from animals. He even mentioned that all the meat was eaten. And none of these animals are going extinct either, the white rhino has made a dramatic return. You say hunting is sick but eat meat from a supermarket which was given a worse death than anything that’s ever been hunted.

  77. And you are as clueless as the guy who wrote the damn article. The franchisee will be the one hurt, if you think that you boycotting a restaurant that a franchisee has paid his fee already to will make the owner who has no oversight of the situation stop hunting, then I have a bridge to sell you.

  78. What are you the animal authority here????? I hate to differ with your useless opinion but yes, I do know what I’m talking about. Get a life and quit posting on people’s remarks on this page like you know everything………….you don’t!!!

  79. Tell that to African villages that have their crop destroyed by overpopulated species.

  80. Another clueless bleeding heart. Extinct? Maybe you should read up on African countries conservation and animal control efforts. Then you might be able to make an intelligent statement.

  81. You’re use of the word “conservation” in this fashion indicates you’re actually clueless about conservation.

  82. It is not about being “legal” as what is legal does not make it ethical. Nor does legal hunting make a difference to the animal hunted. There will be justifications made to any sick human behavior, but the truth will remain… those who kill for pleasure and brag about it lack a basic quality of existance – compassion.

  83. I wouldn’t eat at this place if I was paid to. He has flaunted for years the murders he does of animals that will soon be extinct. Another trophy hunter that I pray will get his one day. How I would love to see an elephant stampede with him in the middle of it. Everyone needs to stay away from all of his restaurants, hopefully bankrupt this useless piece of ****!!!

  84. Great. More people who don’t have clue one about how Conservation works giving their “opinion” on it.
    No matter how much you whine about it, you cannot change the fact that “X” amount of land can only support “Y” amount of wildlife in a safe and healthy manner. If one species over-populates, they all die by starvation and/or disease… and they destroy the available habitat trying to find enough to eat in the process.
    The fees from regulated hunting licenses and the taxes on hunting related equipment go to fund the maintenance of these animals and their habitat. They also go to pay the Game Wardens that protect them from poachers. What you also don’t realize is that Big Game Hunting is sometimes a large part of, or the only, income the local people have. The meat from these animals often also goes to feed the locals as well.
    By the way, the “Walter Palmer” incident was just in the news again about a week or two ago. Because of all the bad press, no one applied for hunting licenses there. As a result, the park now has to destroy 200 animals anyway to manage the park’s population. The same number of animals that would have been taken by hunters… except now their deaths will be a waste with no benefit to the locals, their income, and to fund conservation and the up-keep of the park and animals. Next year they will probably have to double that number of animals to destroy to keep the population at a safe level. The following year, double the last year’s number once again. Do you want to guess what a large population of lions is going to do to the rest of the animals in the park as well? Brilliant move, people… just brilliant.

  85. wouldn’t boycotting his restaurants be a working solution to the problem? No income , no hunting trips.

  86. I can’t believe you idiots would 1) post a biased article with barely any fact in it and 2) attack someone for hunting perfectly legal animals. The only reason he pulled those pictures is because he knew the dumb people would react without knowing the fucking law

  87. I can’t believe you idiots would 1) post a biased article with barely any fact in it and 2) attack someone for hunting perfectly legal animals. The only reason he pulled those pictures is because he knew the dumb people would react without knowing the fucking law

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