Visual Arts

Mushrooms and Trees Presented Together in Art Show

Two local artists are collaborating to present Nature & Decay – an exhibition of paintings of trees and films of mushrooms and is on display from June 9th to August 19th   at the Curtis Malting | Agway Warehouse, 1100 Niagara Street in Buffalo.

Artist Sarah Myers will be premiering her new series of 8’-10’ tree paintings on the walls of the 123-year old Agway Building. Eight of her large paintings are installed along with five boulders in the center of the space. Trees have been the focus of Myer’s artwork for years as she depicts  “silent heroes” onto large canvases – their “expansiveness demand(ing) unique space.”

While trees are in the front, in the back boiler room of the old Agway building, artist Anna Scime will be premiering new films from her Spore Print Films Series (16mm film, 2010-present).  This study of organic, modern and contemporary technologies explores “cycles of creation, destruction and archival permanence,” according to the artist.

According to a release on the show, “Mushroom spores (their reproductive unit) are placed on film (a reproductive unit) to produce an audiovisual loop.  Hundreds of individual mushroom spore prints make up each film (and billions of spores comprise each film frame) – each with their own unique shape and coloring.  During projection kinetic forces disperse the spores – accentuating and de-saturating the films’ colors and sounds.  These colors, shapes and sounds are only palpable, like the spores themselves, when experienced en masse. As they are played, a maelstrom of slowly shifting shapes is produced.  The films are looped until they are nearly erased.

“….The trees and mushrooms create a dialogue together – literally in nature (in so much as mycelial networks carry messages between trees and transfer nutrients between each other and the plants that they share soil with), and conceptually through co-exhibition in the environment created.”

Nature & Decay will be on display from June 9th – August 19th, 2016.  It will be open to the general public for an Exhibition Preview on June 9th from 4 pm -10 pm.   Appointments for private viewing available upon request to the artists ( or (716) 982-4882

Myers has previously exhibited her work throughout the region and her pieces are in the permanent collections at the Mirchaelangelo Museum (Italy), The Albright Knox Gallery (Buffalo), and private collections. (See

Scime’s recent shows include: Burchfield Penney Art Center (Buffalo), Detroit Independent Film Festival (Detroit), Berlin International Directors Lounge (Berlin), PS1 MoMA (NYC), FLORA ars+natura (Bogotá) and Centro Cultural Borges (Buenos Aires). (Scime’s work may be found at: www.a–   

About the author

Frank Parlato

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