THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, comedy by William Shakespeare presented by Chautauqua Theater Company, directed by Andrew Borba. Aug 12-19. Bratton Theater, Chautauqua Institution (357-6250).
THE TAMING OF THE SHREW, comedy by William Shakespeare presented by Shakespeare in Delaware Park, directed by Steve Vaughan, starring Bonnie Jean Taylor, Chris Hatch, Zev Steinberg, Marissa Puzutto, Norm Sham, Adam Yellen, Marc Ruffino, David Lundy, Rolando Gomez. Through August 21 Tue-Sun at 7:30. Shakespeare Hill in Delaware Park (856-4533).
IT’S ONLY A PLAY, comedy by Terrence McNally presented by Buffalo United Artists, directed by Drew McCabe, starring Anthony Alcocer, Anthony Chase, Adam Hayes, Jimmy Janowski, Lisa Ludwig, Mary Kate O’Connell, Michael Seitz. Through Aug 14, Sat at 8, Sun at 7. Added performance on Aug 13 at 4. Alleyway Theatre, One Curtain Up Alley (886-9239).
THE MUSIC MAN, musical by Meredith Willson, directed by Debby Swartz, starring Beau Bradshaw, Jill Anderson. Through Aug 14, Thu at 7, Fri & Sat at 8, Sun at 2. Ghostlight Theatre, 170 Schenck St., North Tonawanda (743-1614).
LOOKING, comedy by Norm Foster presented by Desiderio’s Dinner Theatre, directed by Jay Desiderio, starring Don Gervasi, Marc-Jon Filippone, Lisa Hinca, Tammy Reger. Through Aug 28. Bobby J’s Italian American Grille, 204 Como Park Blvd., Cheektowaga (395-3207).
MUSICALFARE PREMIER CABARET– Where the Girls Are starring Wendy Hall, Renee Landrigan, Michele Marie Roberts, Aug 13 at 8; The Music of Cole Porter with The Phil Sims Cabaret Big Band featuring Katy Miner, Aug 20 at 4 & 8. Paul Marinaro, Aug 27 at 4 & 8. MusicalFare Theatre, 4380 Main St., Amherst (839-8540).
BURDEN, Torn Space Theater’s fourth and newest performance installation for Silo City. Aug 18-21, Thu-Sun at 6, 7, 8, & 9 p.m. 20 Childs St. (Silo City Way)
MY VOICE HAS AN ECHO IN IT, a six-hour durational performance of live music, spoken text and video presented by Torn Space Theater, created by Temporary Distortion. Aug 19 & 20 at 5. The Adam Mickiewicz Dramatic Circle, 612 Fillmore Ave.