New Year Celebration with champagne.

Paladino to Media: My comments in Artvoice were not racist; ‘Tough Luck if you don’t like my answer’

By Carl Paladino;

(Editor’s note: Along with dozens of others, Carl Paladino was asked by Artvoice to answer four questions about the coming year. Respondents answers were published on 12/22/16. []  Paladino’s comments about Barak and Michele Obama were labeled as ‘racist’ by many readers. The comments went viral and were covered by the Washington Post, Huffington Post, all local news media, Albany Times, New York Daily News and other newspapers in NYC and dozens of other national media outlets.  Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who ran against Paladino for governor, and Erie County Executive (both Democrats) issued public statements criticizing Paladino.  Carl’s remarks were in response to Artvoice queries: 1. “What would you most like to happen in 2017?” and 2. “What would you like to see go away in 2017?”   Paladino’s answers were: 1. ” Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Herford.  He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to Valerie Jarret, who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.” 2.  “Michelle Obama.  I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.” 

In the firestorm that followed Carl Paladino issued the following response:


This is in response to my comments published in Artvoice:

It has nothing to do with race.  That’s the typical stance of the press when they can’t otherwise defend the acts of the person being attacked.

It’s about two progressive elitist ingrates who have hated their country so badly and destroyed its fabric in so many respects in 8 years.

It’s about them diminishing the respect for their country on the world scene, surrendering its status as the protector of human rights, disgracing the memory of its veterans who gave so much.

It’s about demeaning and weakening what was the most powerful military in the world, firing hundreds of good soldier Generals and Admirals who refused Barack’s illegal and irresponsible dictates.

Michelle hated America before her husband won.  She then enjoyed all the attention, the multi -million dollar vacations, the huge staff and other benefits.  Then when Hillary lost, she and Barack realized that without Hillary, there was no one to protect the little, if any, legacy he had.  That’s when Michelle came out and said there is no hope for America.  Good, let her leave and go someplace she will be happy.

As for Barack, he’s a yellow-bellied coward who left thousands to die in Syria and especially Aleppo and he gets on TV and says he feels bad he couldn’t do anything about it.

He supported the mass migration without vetting of people from Muslim countries and the open borders, not for the people, but to expand the democratic base to a permanent majority.

He couldn’t care less about the people.  He just commuted the sentences of another 650 drug pushers responsible for selling poison to our kids.

It’s about the middle class, silent majority, rising up to destroy the Republican and Democrat establishment in America.

It’s about the end of an era when the people took all their information from the main street media, letting them tell us what the issues are and how to resolve those issues. People no longer trust the press.

It’s about that fraudulent, shadow government with a lazy ass president who allowed non-Americans like Valerie Jarret to run the government on a day to day basis and order the Stand down in Benghazi and the later cover-up that does matter.

It’s about Lois Lerner and the head of the IRS and the other criminal officials who haven’t been prosecuted or even investigated because the leaders of the progressive movement are above the law.

It’s about the end of the progressive movement and reset of the direction of America for the next 30 years.

It’s about a president who interfered in a presidential election for his successor so flagrantly that he called Trump unfit for office.

It’s about a president who for eight years did absolutely nothing for black children in our urban centers held prisoner by the cycle of poverty and illegitimate black leadership more interested in power and preserving their voting base by keeping them hungry and uneducated in the inner cities.

And yes, it’s about a little deprecating humor which America lost for a long time.  Merry Christmas and  tough luck if you don’t like my answer.

About the author

Frank Parlato


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  • […] Paladino to Media: My comments in Artvoice were not racist; 'Tough Luck if you don't like my answer'…By Carl Paladino; (Editor’s note: Along with dozens of others, Carl Paladino was asked by Artvoice to answer four questions about the coming year. Respondents […]

  • Ha… While folding laundry, it dawned on me; your comment wasn’t actually a product of random free association but of lacking reading comprehension. The Buffalo businessman did indeed make a reference to O having relations with an animal in his survey response. If you’re able to re-read my comment, you’ll see that I specifically noted that I felt his answers were “Hard to feel all warm and fuzzy over” and might be able to comprehend that such phrasing is not a ringing endorsement of support.
    I’d prefer not to overburden you with having to re-read the entire sentence so I’ll restate it in a more simplified manner: Paladino’s survey answers were not very nice, however, I found his follow-up comments (addressing his survey answers) to be a more accurate assessment.
    Unfortunately, I will have to walk back my compliments regarding the creativity I attributed to your comment and, instead, fail you for the course… Oh well :-

  • I feel obligated to tip my hat and award bonus points for what may very well be one of the most bizarre, random, and peculiar interpretations in recent memory. Contriving a conjugation to beastiality out of thin air requires a refreshingly unique kind of thought process that is rarely encountered. The only other reasonable explanation would be a transference of a personal proclivity. I’d rather assume the former and salute your stellar unorthodox (or is it “unorthodoxed”?) nature. Bravo!

  • Here you go……. this is apparently where Paladino’s bestiality video collection was first published before/during/after his failed political campaign. A word of warning to the wise – DON’T open this at work or on a work computer:

  • But yes, apparently Paladino thinks that videos of women having sex with animals is “hilarious”.
    He’s SICK, I’m telling you.
    Even his own children are ASHAMED of him.

  • I will find the article about it and send you the link but I can’t do it right now, I’m not on my own pc and I don’t really want to type in the word “bestiality” into a search on someone else’s computer!!

  • You can’t whitewash racist vitriol by blowing it off as a “monkey joke”. What the hell is a “monkey joke”, anyway? Is that like the racist Southerners I knew in South Carolina who referred to African Americans as “porch monkeys”? You can’t normalize the kind of racist stuff Paladino said. Wishing our sitting President dies of vCJD (mad cow disease), calling our classy First Lady a “man” and that she should go live in Zimbabwe with a gorilla is OK with you? REALLY? Just a joke? No, it’s ugly, sick, mean-spirited, and utterly unacceptable for a man who sits on the Buffalo School Board to say about Barack and Michelle Obama or ANY person of color. It’s NOT OK for Paladino to make a “monkey joke” when over half of Buffalo’s schoolchildren are people of color and he sits on the Buffalo School Board. Paladino must resign or be removed from office. Period.

    And for the record, to further demonstrate Paladino’s ignorance, there aren’t any gorillas in Zimbabwe. They live in Central African nations like the Congo, DRC & Rwanda.

  • @harleygrl:disqus somehow that wouldn’t surprise me; Paladino seems like a sick individual. Just curious how you know that, though? Did someone forward one of his emails to you? If this is true it needs to be publicized.

  • It’s about a president who for eight years did absolutely nothing for black children in our urban center.

    If he doesn’t even know about ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ – or bother to do the slightest amount of investigation before opening his mouth and proclaiming “nothing has been done” – he’s just broadcasting his ignorance, which makes his words worthless.

  • My productive contribution is that hating a hater does not make things better. It simply makes you a hater too… 😉

  • Nor do I judge. Nor did I say what you quoted. Hate is not productive, ever. Nor is fighting. Not a single thing I read here (I did not read the whole thread) was at all productive. Spewing comments and calling names because you disagree with the way someone thinks or speaks is not productive, and I don’t see it being any different, or at all better than his comments. Just because you are on a majority side of a disagreement does not make it right to name call or spew the exact same hate directed toward you. It doesn’t accomplish anything. Again hate begets hate.

  • What does that have to do with the ridiculous quote above from Paladino? And what exactly did the Republicans bother to get off their asses to put forward in the past 8 years?

  • Well he looks pretty strung-out. Like maybe too many Oxy’s.
    In fact, Paladino has that Rush Limbaugh look about him, from a few years back.

  • “He……..could care less what other people say or think about him.”

    Even his own children, apparently – who don’t think very much of him: William Paladino, CEO of Ellicott Development Company states “Ellicott Development takes pride in being a culturally diverse company with over 535 hard-working dedicated employees. We value and respect our employees, friends, partners and all of our commercial and residential tenancies and we do not condone the statements made about the President of the United States and his wife. They were disrespectful and absolutely unnecessary.”
    Probably doesn’t think too very much of his father’s unnatural interest in BESTIALITY, either.
    But who am I to say – maybe in the Paladino home, BESTIALITY is normal.

  • “Eight” years, I don’t think so.
    Let’s not ahead of ourselves, shall we?
    Let’s see if Trump can get through the next TWO without getting impeached or indicted.
    With friends like Paladino and Jeffrey Epstein, it’s going to be the longest two years of Trump’s life…….

  • Uh, no that’s not “all”.
    Paladino, it seems, has a penchant for BESTIALITY vids. Likes to forward them to his friends.
    Maybe you can join in.

  • Big fan of BESTIALITY, are ya?
    Good for you.
    Maybe YOU should head on over to Trump Tower, you’ll fit in well over there, with Carl Paladino and Jeffrey Epstein……..

  • Paladino has been giving good BESTIALITY videos to his friends.
    You want to thank the 1st Amendment for that, go ahead.

  • Are you kidding, Trump is best friends with a LEVEL III SEX OFFENDER, Jeffrey Epstein. Trump thinks Epstein “is a great guy”, and “a lot of fun”.
    You think Trump won’t let Paladino back in?
    He’ll let him in, and then some.
    Paladino is SICK – he’s been forwarding videos of BESTIALITY to his “friends” online.
    Paladino is right up Trump’s alley.
    In more ways than one………

  • Only a deranged man would forward videos of BESTIALITY to his “friends”.
    Who does that?!?
    Only a truly DERANGED individual, that’s who.

  • Should I thank you personally for the First Amendment or Mr. Paladino? Asshole…You’d be the first to click your heels and give the Orange Clown a one-armed salute!

  • What a stupid comment to make! People like you are why the USA is in the shape it’s in, full of hate and disrespect. Grow up moron – you’re lucky to have the opportunity America gives you!

  • I seem to recall it was your President Obama who said “he has a phone and a Pen” and that “he would veto everything the Reps put forward that he didn’t agree with”.

  • So, WHY is “ART” News interviewing this piece of doo doo? Is this a performance ‘art” piece or something?

  • really? It’s so easy to judge others reactions by saying “nobody is saying anything productive” yet, what’s your productive contribution? If you disagree with Paladino’s vile and despicable comment, please share your “fight” against such a low life?

  • Merry Christmas and tough luck…

    What a wonderful Christian sentiment!!!
    If only all of us could marry into money and con ourselves into believing that we worked so hard for our riches.

  • Can be no discussion here. It’s responding to a mad rant. This election has ruined the holidays for millions of people. Let’s try to keep it from ruining our lives.

  • Or I’m a grim realist who acknowledges that the IS an objectively worse place to live in for many people do to the existence of certain people and that their removal would improve things.

  • you’re as bad as he is. just a hint: if you wish for the death of other human beings, there’s probably something wrong with you. please seek help.

  • This is how a businessman worth 500+ Million makes his statement and then says if you don’t like it… F you.

    Can’t wait to see how our new President rolls following Jan 20th inauguration.

    These are the leaders elected by our voters. Its pretty damned scary.

  • The assholes in the Republican congress blocked everything good for this country and just spent 8 years lying about everything he tried to do and damaged the fabric of our society in their selfish stupidity and greed for payoffs from big pharma and the fossil industry.

  • I live in Buffalo NY.where this racist pig also lives.only words for you Paladino.FUCK YOU

  • Well, that’s one way to get the page hits up. I told you that you would regret this ‘alliance’, Mr. Moses.

  • And this is the real problem in America and the world for that matter. Fighting hate with more hate. Listen to yourselves. I haven’t read anything here that is any better than paladino’s statements. Hate begets hate begets hate.

  • The “Main street media,” eh? This tallow-faced political washout is functionally illiterate yet tries to look down on people like the Obamas, who, love them or hate them, could run intellectual, moral and ethical circles around Mr. Paladino.

  • Why do you continue to give voice to this kind of hate speech? The media has become the megaphone of racism, xenophobia, and mysogyny.

  • I keep telling my more liberal friends (as someone who goes left or right depending on the issue) that it’s a shame the left has developed this groupthink about being anti-gun. If there’s ever a time for liberals to arm up, it’s now. If certain racist or orange-faced numbskulls happen to get in the way of speeding bullets, so be it. Like you say, not everyone deserves to live.

    Carl Paladino has self-destructed. The only way he’ll get back to Trump Towers is to mop the floors. Let’s push him to run for governor again so he can take one in the nads one more time!!

  • In what “reality” does this creature exist? I can only surmise, looking at his buzzed-out face and red-lined eyes, the dude has a waaaay too intimate acquaintance with Big Pharma, and cannot discern his fantasies from actual day-to-day fact. What a slime-wad POS

  • Mr Paladino – it seems obvious to me that you have no understanding of what racism actually is. Get your head out your backside and educate yourself.

  • Somebody should slap him across the chops (he’s not man enough to deserve a punch) and not care what he thinks about it.

  • Hey Paladino, you bleary-eyed junkie: how do you get the orange semen stains out of your shirt when you finish off Donald’s fuckstick?

  • Okay Carl, we get it. This isn’t about race. This is really about ethics in video games journalism.

  • More hopefully a bullet will visit his head. Seriously, all these people do not deserve to live.

  • Maybe Mr. Paladino should remember that right now he has the First Amendment to thank for his stupid remarks..And that’s being kind to him. This loud mouthed liberal thinks he’s an asshole like Mr. Trump. How doe I know Mr. Trump is an asshole?—he always talks through his when he gives a speech.

  • It pales in comparison to the anti-Trump hate spewed by the left in this country. Get used to it there’s going to be eight years of this.

  • It’s about two progressive elitist ingrates who have hated their country so badly and destroyed its fabric in so many respects in 8 years.
    Hard to argue with that.

  • I don’t understand how anyone whose DNA is in a child that Merriam-Webster Dictionary describes as a B A S T A R D dares to open his mouth the way he does (let alone show his ignorant face in public).

  • Hard to feel all warm and fuzzy over his survey responses but, also, hard to argue with his response to the comments about his comments. Spot on!

  • “Deprecating humor”? Not humor at all, and far worse than “deprecating”. Okay, it may not be racist, but it is at best sophomoric and at worst totally scurrilous. Imagine what President Trump would do to a newspaper that published remarks like that about him or his family. And the Tweets would pour out interminably.

    Paladino has no sense of decency, no filters, and is a disgrace to anyone possessed of the least shred of decency. It is unconscionable that he is still on the School Board, and shameful that he is given a forum by area media.

  • I don’t know why anybody is surprised by this. I see comments like these (and even worse) on Breitbart on a daily basis. MOST of them are like these – and the site is run by Trump’s closest advisor!

    There is going to be years and years of this, folks. Get ready.

  • There is no place for Carl Paladino on the Buffalo School Board or any other public office in Buffalo. He is an embarrassment to himself and to our community.

  • My wish for 2017? All GOP and all idiots that voted for the freak to catch bubonic plague. All whites to return to where they belong. This is NOT the Americas, as they are all illegal immigrants that murdered the original inhabitants.

    And all racists to get arrested and put to death.

  • Yes, I can tell he cares a lot about “black children in our urban centers held prisoner by the cycle of poverty.” That’s an example of humor, Carl.

    There’s never been any question that Paladino is a hateful, cruel person but I’m beginning to wonder if he’s experiencing early onset dementia. That’s not humor. That’s a serious question.

  • It’s just Carl being Carl. He says what he thinks and could care less what other people say or think about him.

  • this. he says it was REALLY all those other things, but he just couched it in racist, sexist, and misogynistic language. this isn’t non-PC, this is just flat out hate. merry christmas mr. paladino, hopefully three ghosts will visit you in the near future, you need a lesson in humanity.

  • It is about the very soul of Art Paladino. This is how he thinks of his fellow human beings.