The reports on the alleged existence of DOS [Dominant Over Submissive], a women’s group based on the conceptual teachings of Keith Raniere, and operated by former television actress Allison Mack, has naturally caused skepticism.
It has been reported that Miss Mack has through DOS assumed control of the entire harem of self improvement teacher Keith Raniere. Through DOS, Miss Mack has created a system to maintain power over other women.
Mr. Raniere has long been rumored to have a harem — a group of women who are permitted to have sex only with him. Many women admit they consider Mr. Raniere their spiritual husband as well as teacher, savior, and “all in all.”
Because of the creep of age – Mr. Raniere is now approaching 57 – he cannot provide sexual satisfaction to all the women in his harem.
According to sources, The Society of Protectors [SOP] is a self improvement company for men which teaches gender specific lessons based on the teachings of Mr. Raniere.
Like all companies which teach the concepts of Mr. Raniere, secrecy is required.
To learn the secret teachings of SOP, members pay for their lessons. It is known that men are taught they are polygamous, while women are monogamous.
“The world is in desperate need of a unifying principle; a group that is independent of religion and stands against hate,” says SOP’s website: “This organization helps men to become more powerful and influential members of society by giving them tools and a network of honorable men for support.”
Because the teachings are secret, it is not known if Mr. Raniere teaches the same lessons that he himself practices with his own harem.
With his own harem, Mr. Raniere seeks out a woman’s flaws and weaknesses and brings them to her attention. If the woman is defiant, this may be done by insult, debasing comments, scorn, mockery, neglect and banishment.
[Miss Mack has added corporal punishment in the form of paddling.]
The women of Mr. Raniere’s harem are sometimes told to lose weight, grow hair longer, wear adornments such as belly chains as symbols of his authority, or any modification of appearance meant to enhance her attractiveness and obedience and to recruit new harem members.
Harem members must remain slender, obedient, but not necessarily friendly with each other. Rivalries between them are often encouraged by Mr. Raniere.
Miss Mack however has achieved an exalted status where she is to be punished only by Mr. Raniere himself.
Mr. Raniere’s precept is that it is not necessary to please his women sexually. His duty is to please himself. The women are expected to derive pleasure from pleasing him.
Women compete with other women for Mr. Raniere’s attention. A woman knows she is successful when Mr. Raniere ejaculates in her presence. Mr. Raniere’s policy is that once he ejaculates with a woman this is his mark of perpetual ownership. He teaches that once this sacred event occurs – he has made a spiritual connection of the highest order – and she, the recipient of such honor, must never degrade him or herself by sleeping with another man the rest of her life.
To do so might cause her spiritual death and him physical harm.
When women are not successful in pleasing Mr. Raniere – which at any given time – roughly half of the harem so finds themselves – Mr. Raniere may absent himself and the harem member is left to commiserate with other sister-wives.
Even Miss Mack has found herself neglected and has been spotted asking other harem members – with a small voice and plaintive tone – including her own slaves – where Mr. Raniere is.
Mr. Raniere teaches however that his absenting himself from a woman may not be a mark of his disfavor. He is busy and has many women to teach.
This uncertainty allows a neglected woman to spend time in introspection trying to determine if Mr. Raniere is displeased or simply busy.
Women must learn to be content to wait for Mr. Raniere. By learning not to crave base sexual pleasures but by learning to find spiritual pleasure in Mr. Raniere’s pleasure, they are taught that they may find lasting contentment.
Mr. Raniere has found it advantageous to keep his women on a low calorie vegetarian diet, train them to keep bodies lean by having them run half marathons, keep their hair long to maximize receptivity, sleep only when given permission, give all money to him or for his service, forbid them from sleeping with other men and learn to enjoy criticism for the sake of improvement and to weep with joy at praise that may fall from his lips.
He has indicated to a number of his harem members that he will be impregnating them with a child that will succeed him as the savior of the world.
He has had one child with a former harem member Kristin Keeffe. Initially Mr. Raniere and Miss Keeffe hid the fact that they were parents of the boy since at the time Mr. Raniere was telling his students he was a celibate and hiding the existence of his harem.
Later he admitted the child was his but by that time Miss Keeffe fled from Mr. Raniere, aided by the New York State Bureau of Criminal Investigations officer Rodger Kirsop who arranged a series of “safe houses” for Miss Keeffe and her son to hide in and reside.
Mr. Raniere also, according to court documents, promised at least two other women that he would sire an avatar child with them. Neither had a child and both women fled from Mr. Raniere who in turn sued them in multiple forums on a variety of legal causes.
It is not known how much of Mr. Raniere’s teachings on the management of harems have made their way into the SOP teachings for men.
The SOP website explains that “SOP is not only curriculum, it involves practical tests to strengthen us with respect to readiness, responsiveness, character, honor, strategic thinking and leadership.”
The next opportunity to take classes will be on July 21, in Albany, where an SOP “Complete Intensive 1.0” will be conducted.
Now that Miss Mack has assumed control of the greater harem of Mr. Raniere and is working to enhance its numbers – particularly younger more enthusiastic women – it is time to identify the women for the welfare of those wishing or considering joining DOS which is one way to enter his harem.
Stay tuned.

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