Cynthia Nixon Receives Endorsement from New York Progressive Action Network

April 14, 2018

The State Affiliate of Our Revolution, the Organization Spun Out of Senator Bernie Sanders’s 2016 Presidential Campaign, Backs Cynthia

ALBANY, NY – Democratic candidate for governor Cynthia Nixon was endorsed today by New York Progressive Action Network (NYPAN), formally committing to work together to advance election reform, racial and social justice, and take on the democratic establishment in the race for New York governor. NYPAN, the main New York State affiliate of Our Revolution, came out of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign and has grown to 30 chapters and 8 affiliates throughout the state with thousands of grassroots members.

“I am thrilled to receive this endorsement from NYPAN and my fellow New York progressives. I have seen firsthand the hard work NYPAN have been doing to organize for a better, more progressive New York, and stand up to Governor Cuomo’s destructive policies by demanding we take big money out of politics once again. I look forward to fighting alongside NYPAN members every single day.

As governor, Cynthia would fight for a progressive agenda in New York by supporting policies to provide health care for all, legalize marijuana, and take corporate money out of politics.

NYPAN co-chair Traci Strickland stated: “Cynthia Nixon, who, unlike the incumbent, is not an ambitious career politician, is not deterred by Cuomo’s horde of millions of campaign dollars collected almost exclusively from the 1% of corporate polluters, hedge fund billionaires, real estate speculators and other rich special interests. It is so refreshing to back a candidate who is an activist and not a politician, who believes in something other than their own self-interest, and who, like Bernie, will certainly mobilize thousands of enthusiastic voters to rally behind her historic candidacy”.

This message provided by Cynthia for New York

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