Farley Demands Gillibrand to Stand with Victims of Sexual Harassment and Withdraw Support of Shelley Mayer

April 13, 2018

New York, New York – U.S. Senate candidate Chele Farley, today demanded her opponent, Kirsten Gillibrand, to stand with victims of sexual harassment and withdraw her support of state senate candidate Shelley Mayer in response to reports in today’s Daily News on Mayer’s handling of a sexual harassment complaint.

“Kirsten Gillibrand needs to take a break from campaigning for president, stand with victims of sexual harassment and withdraw her support of Shelley Mayer,” said Farley.

According to the Daily News, Mayer, who served as the top lawyer to Senate Democrats, admits she had knowledge of a harassment complaint raised by two staffers but did little to assist the women. Mayer reportedly told one of the victims that her complaint would need to wait until after the election.

“Whether it’s Vito Lopez, Shelly Silver, Harvey Weinstein or the sex-slave cult NXIVM — Kirsten Gillibrand has a long history of losing her voice when it’s inconvenient to her political agenda,” said Farley.

In her endorsement of Mayer, Gillibrand said, “We need more women like Shelley to run for office and chart a new course for government.”

Farley concluded, “I believe we need women leaders in government, not women who act as ‘yes men’ and shield powerful men to advance their own careers. Julie Killian will stand up to abusers, not be a rubber stamp for the Albany political class and its sexual harassers.”

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