James Comey Quits Republican Party. The Key Figures Prosecuting Trump Are Republicans. Will They Soon Quit The Party Too?

April 19, 2018
James Comey

Robert Mueller is a Republican.  James Comey was a Republican. The United States Attorney for The Southern District in New York that raided Michael Cohen is Jeff Berman a Republican hand picked by Trump to replace Preet Baraha. Jeff Berman contributed money to the Trump campaign and was interviewed personally by Donald Trump. The Deputy U.S. attorney in the Southern District is Robert Khuzami another Republican and a career prosecutor who spoke at the Republican National Convention. 

In announcing his departure from the Republican party James Comey had this to say:

“I see the Republican Party, as near as I can tell, reflects now entirely Donald Trump’s values,” Comey explained. “It doesn’t reflect values at all. It’s transactional, it’s ego-driven, it’s in service to his ego. And it’s, I think, consoling itself that we’re going to achieve important policy goals — a tax cut or something.”

“The Republican party has left me, and many others,” Comey said, explaining his abandonment. “I just think they’ve lost their way and I can’t be associated with it.”

“These people don’t represent anything I believe in,” he said of the GOP.

Jamie Moses

Jamie Moses founded Artvoice in 1990

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