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Raniere in Fed Prison in Oklahoma Awaits Arraignment in Brooklyn; Prison conditions for NXIVM cult leader described




Recently arrested NXIVM sex-cult leader Keith Raniere is being held at the Federal Transfer Center in Oklahoma City, OK, according to records available online .

Raniere – known to followers as “Vanguard”  – is housed in a 2-man cell which is locked at night from 10:00 PM until 6:00 AM every night. In his cell, in addition to a metal bunk beds, there is a combination sink-toilet that affords no privacy. And nothing else.

During the day, Raniere can venture out of his cell to a “common area” available to prisoners living in the same unit. There are also a couple of TV rooms generally controlled by specific segments of prisoners in the unit: a Black TV Room, a Latino TV Room, etc.

Meals are served 3 times per day: breakfast at 6:00 AM, lunch around noon, and dinner around 5:00 PM. There is no commissary – which means no extra food is available to inmates.

It is not known if Keith Raniere will be transported by bus or plane from Oklahoma City’s Federal Transfer Facility to Brooklyn for his arraignment.

Soon, Rainere will embark on either a bus trip to Brooklyn where he is expected to appear for arraignment. He will travel in handcuffs, leg-irons, and body-chains. He might also travel by plane.

In Brooklyn, he will likely be housed in the Brooklyn Detention Center. His attorney will most likely try to persuade the magistrate judge to allow him to be released on bail. Should Raniere fail to be granted bail – and the US DOJ has made a strong argument against it – – as him being a flight risk and danger to the community – he will probably remain in the Brooklyn Detention Center until his trial.

Raniere’s register number is 57005-177.  For more info, go to the Inmate Locator.

Mugshots are the property of the federal government and not publicly available. The photo below of Raniere was taken after his arrest and is the first known photograph of Raniere subsequent to his arrest.

Keith Raniere Believed to be taken on March 25, 2018, while in police custody.

If convicted – depending on his sentence – he will be assigned to one of numerous federal prisons. Given the nature of his alleged crimes, should he be convicted, chances are he will be assigned a maximum security prison.

The Brooklyn Detention Center might be his permanent home. Anthony Weiner’s attorney begged his sentencing judge not to send him there.

Photo-shopped image of Raniere behind bars.
Had the initials branded on DOS slaves pubic region been those of Abe Lincoln or Bill Gates – Keith Raniere once told a DOS slave – nobody would have minded. So why did Kieth Raniere burning his initials on women’s pubic regions land him in prison? This is a question Raniere will likely have plenty time to ponder.


About the author

Frank Parlato


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  • Or, let every mother, father, brother of a slave/victim shot him in his nut sack, on shot each, POS, targeted alreasy mentally unstabled ppl, to worship him, that should be a hight penalty crime, to mess with someone that is unatabke, you can take advantage of anyone like that…

  • Why isn’t this man hanging in the streets until his body stinks and the crows pick out his eyes, as an example to other insane cult leaders?