By Frank Parlato
Artvoice detailed it months ago: Following the arrest of cult leader Keith Raniere, the mainstream media is starting to catch up.
I advised the actresses, Kristin Kreuk and Grace Park, to get ahead of this story before the big news broke.

I said this for their sake, not the sake of the fight we were waging. They had a chance to be heroes. They had a chance to take a bold step and act in real life similarly to the roles they played on TV. I was ignored.
Now at least one, Kristin Kreuk is trying to get ahead of the story. It may be a case of ‘too little too late.’ Or she may weather the coming monsoon as this mind-boggling evil comes to light and is examined closely by thousands, maybe millions.
To make it clear, Kristin Kreuk and Grace Park are not part of the criminal enterprise that is NXIVM. [Some prefer calling it the Bronfman-Raniere crime organization]. It is highly doubtful that either Kreuk or Grace participated in the more exploitative aspects of this coercive and vicious cult.
But let the record show that they sat silently while brave folks like Catherine Oxenberg, Sarah Edmondson, Mark Vicente, Bonnie Piesse, Toni Natalie, Susan Dones, Toni Zarratini, Anthony Ames, and several others struggled against the massive juggernaut of the Bronfman-Raniere crime organization.
When their voices could have done the most to help topple this band of women branders and blackmailers – Park and Kreuk sat stone silent. They are not criminals. They may be cowards.
But there were times when the battle was hanging in the balance. The media was liable to turn at any moment. After all we were only a few voices. None of us wealthy. We were making fantastic claims.

The vicious but wealthy Clare Bronfman was trying to get all of the opposition arrested. She filed criminal complaints. Her stooges in Mexico – Alex Betancourt and Emiliano Salinas — filed criminal complaints in Mexico City. Clare Bronfman flew to Vancouver to try to get Sarah Edmondson arrested on another one of her ‘fake’ indictments.
Raniere launched lawsuits against Natalie and hoped to lay a perjury trap. Catherine Oxenberg was threatened from Mexico City. Bronfman tried to get an FBI criminal probe going on Vicente in California. Zarratini was being pursued by a pack of wolf-lawyers threatening him through Salinas at the topmost levels of corrupt Mexican government. The Bronfman-Raniere crime organisation renewed efforts to lure Natalie and Dones to Mexico to arrest them on phony charges. Bronfman hired private detectives to hunt down certain people.
We were fighting for our lives and the freedom and safety of lots of women in this vicious cult. The months from June 2017 – leading up to the NY Times story in October were precarious. We were only a handful of people trying to verify that this was a dark and wicked cult. An abuser of the legal system a cult dedicated to the enslavement of women.
Kreuk knew all about it. She’d known for years. Any thing she might tell you now that she had no knowledge that Keith Raniere – for example – is a pedophile is utterly false. I know she knew.
But instead of standing tall the opposite occurred: Messages came to me from her friends – ‘please don’t mention Kristin. Take her name off all posts.’
Grace Park called several times: “Please take my name down off Frank Report.”
After the worldwide media followed suit on my reporting on the branding story, and many in the world condemned Raniere – instead of finding courage – the two actresses continued to remain silent. In fact their fear seemed to have increased. The calls for being taken off Frank Report – to hide – as if they never participated in the cult – increased.
But they were part of the cult. Both of them were used repeatedly to bring in other women – some of whom got branded and coerced into slavery. Some who are still in the cult and some who may face arrest and long periods of incarceration.
Kreuk and Park were – perhaps unconsciously – big time enablers of human trafficking. Their images were used. Park appeared in films with Raniere promoting his brand. Kreuk set up a company – with Nancy Salzman’s direct guidance – to lure teens into Raniere’s teachings. She appeared on stage to support thinly veiled college women recruitment into the cult. People joined this cult because of them. It all happened before their very eyes.
Granted Kreuk might not have known about Raniere’s pedophilia then, but she learned more than six years ago, and not a word. This despite the fact that she set up a teenage girls’ program with another NXIVM coach to teach Raniere doctrine.
To be fair, Park and Kreuk probably did not participate directly in the branding and blackmailing – although from their timidity I sometimes suspect they gave collateral to Raniere which he could use to blackmail them.
But, even if that isn’t true, they were deeply involved: They were coaches in NXIVM. They brought people in – both directly and indirectly. After Raniere was first exposed for pedophilia; they remained silent. That was 2012.
After he was exposed for branding women on their pubic regions as slaves – coerced to do so by blackmail – they continued to remain silent. That was June 2017.
Kreuk spoke up only after Raniere was arrested – in late March 2018. She feigned she knew nothing and expressed horror. She was shocked… shocked. But she did not admit her giant role in growing the NXIVM organization that later proved to be a criminal organization.
Park still is hiding, trying to pretend it never happened. She was paying dues to the NXIVM organization as recently as a month ago, according to recently defected slaves.
Sure these two actresses have the right to be silent. The right to hide.
And they also have the right to be actresses. And if ever they play a brave woman on camera you will then know what great actresses they are.
WE WILL.? Theey Ьoth shouted they usually ran to the bedroom bickering about who gets to go first.
Forgot to add this- park is a lousy actress. Narcissistic yes, talented no. Perfect for a grandiose position in a cult.
Grace Park, whose work I know, appears to be an overly-entitled, none-too-pretty moron. I hope she never acts again.
I know nothing of this group but how do we know any of this stuff is true? Maybe it is true but what’s the proof? So far is seems like there’s only proof that they’re is some wierdo group that consenual ly brands one another. If that’s all why should I give a s h i* …it’s not illegal for people to make weirdo clubs.
And what did you do? Except try to make money off other peoples back?
While I wish they would speak up, I can imagine they are scared, and traumatized by their involvement. They might have been brainwashed into believing they were helping women, and to find they helped victimize them might be very hard to bear. They are victims too. I have no sympathy for the Bronfman sisters. Their money enabled all the legal harassment of whistleblowers, and they should be tried as accomplices to Raniere. I hope their money doesn’t keep them from justice.
[…] TV Actresses Kristin Kreuk and Grace Park – silent, not brave, at crucial hour – as NXIVM sex sl… Artvoice […]
[…] TV Actresses Kristin Kreuk and Grace Park – silent, not brave, at crucial hour – as NXIVM sex sl… Artvoice […]
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