How to Spot the Signs of Stress When Studying for an Arts Degree

March 4, 2020

Stress and education are almost synonymous to the modern student these days, thanks to the mounting pressure all around, which seems to be increasing with every passing generation. Irrespective of your specialization or level of education, it is possible for any student to experience high-stress levels, but today, we are going to focus on a few of the signs of stress which are experienced particularly by art students.

Inability to Do What is Familiar

If you are experiencing symptoms along the following lines, then it is quite likely that you are indeed experiencing stress in severe degrees:

  • Inability to understand what is being taught
  • Inability to recollect what you had learned earlier
  • Inability to understand what you had previously understood with confidence
  • Inability to concentrate on things even outside your arts degree course 

The general tendency here is to feel as if you are not studying the same subjects you used to like, which were why you took up liberal arts in the first place. That feeling of being unfamiliar with chapters and discussions that you know yourself to be familiar with is a very common neurological effect of stress, which is disconcerting to say the least.

The good news is that you don’t really need to worry about these sessions much since a break from all those essays is pretty much all you need to get back into familiar territories!

The Feeling of Losing Control

Nobody likes the feeling of losing control, and yet, it’s precisely what stress brings with it. Consider a few of the symptoms next:

  • A feeling of losing control over your abilities, in regard to the chosen academic path
  • A feeling of being the only one who is losing control over their academics
  • A feeling that you need to put up pretenses to keep everyone from knowing
  • Feelings of self-deprecation/self-loathing
  • A growing belief that you will lose control and not be able to write/say anything during the exams
  • A maddening sense of mounting pressure, often vented in the form of uncontrollable tears

What Can You Do to Prevent It?

The very first step to take here would be to figure out factors that are responsible for the stress. A few common reasons why arts students often feel stressed out are as follows:

  • Overburdening yourself with expectations
  • Leaving too much to do until the last hour
  • Taking on more than you can chew
  • Personal events
  • Loss of time on a regular basis due to long commuting
  • Mounting pressure of the student loan and accommodation
  • Realizing that you have chosen a subject that you don’t/can’t understand
  • Loss of interest in the subject, while in complete realization of the repercussions

There could be hundreds of other reasons as to why an arts student might feel the worst pangs of stress, but thankfully, there are ways to counter them effectively. First and foremost, it would be highly advisable for you to pursue an online course, such as an Associate in Arts program. The reasons why it can help you to manage your stressful situation can be easily summarized as follows:

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  • An online Associate in Arts degree from a reputed college holds just as much importance as traditional degrees
  • If you are pursuing multiple degrees at a time, it is most likely the main reason behind the stress which you are feeling; online education is flexible enough to allow for that
  • You are saving time constantly by eliminating hundreds, if not thousands of hours of commuting over the course of a year or more
  • The more time you have on your hands, the less stressed you will feel
  • You will be able to join work right after high school while completing your Associate in Arts degree, which will make it less stressful to manage student loans
  • Online courses are flexible by nature and allow students enough room to breathe and de-stress when they need to

The General Precautions and Measures

Now that we have discussed the most effective methods to chomp down on all that accumulating stress, here are a few additional tips which every student should find to be useful:

  • Work hard, but treat your body like a battery; recharge with sleep and breaks often
  • Do not ignore it if you feel a sense of isolation, but talk to a friend or a family member; be it over the phone or in-person
  • If push comes to shove, seek out a therapist and get your stress management tips from a professional

Whether you are an arts student or not, it is quite likely that some of these symptoms are ones that you could identify yourself with. Given that our bodies do not have any bias against a particular stream of education, if you are experiencing the symptoms, it’s best to take precautionary measures as soon as possible! More students suffer the effects of stress unknowingly than people are aware of.

Jamie Moses

Jamie Moses founded Artvoice in 1990

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