When to Consider if Male Infertility is the Cause of Not Getting Pregnant

January 4, 2021
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde

January 4, 2021

On average, 1 out of 7 couples experiences infertility. Those who cannot conceive a year or two after their marriage (despite practicing consistent, unprotected sex) usually seek medical check-ups or treatments.

There are reports of being unable to conceive a child a year, two years, or even up to five years of marriage. Despite engaging in regular and unprotected sex, some couples still find a hard time getting pregnant. Extreme cases may even include divorce or annulment for infertile couples.

Of course, almost every couple wants a child to start their family. Because of that, infertile newlyweds would most likely try any procedure or treatment to bear a child. For the most part, women are the ones experiencing and undergoing such procedures. However, this fertility specialist Sydney clinic emphasizes that a successful conception relies on both parties. Because female infertility is more common, male infertility is a factor often disregarded. However, in recent studies, it is still the cause for a third of couples who remain childless.

Identifying Male Infertility

With male infertility, there are different procedures to help couples with such. Men can undergo a painless, easy, non-invasive semen analysis. This simple procedure can save women from pointless, invasive, and expensive investigations like laparoscopic surgery.

The procedure can help men identify different reproductive complications that might be present. Technology has helped doctors and nurses ace treatments and investigations. Thus, finding medical ailments or disabilities has become less problematic in the 21st century.

If you are unsure of when to consider these medical procedures, you can always examine your natural body performance in day-to-day activities.

Sperm Production

Sperm takes about two-and-a-half months to produce in the testes and an additional half-month to travel out. This process may help determine the ability to fertilize during intercourse and male DNA contribution.

Diet and lifestyle are prime factors that regulate your sperm count and ensure that it is not depleting or below average. Noticing your not-so-healthy eating habits and daily lifestyle can help you consider which medical tests you might need to take. Another thing to consider is the age, the younger the man, the more active and better quality sperms.

Difficulties in Erection

Some men experience difficulties in erection and ejaculation, which may be a sign of your infertility. Sexual functions such as a low sex drive or other occurrences during intercourse essential tent and require frequent monitoring.

In some cases, there are painful intercourse experiences for males. Others report anatomical abnormalities, psychological problems, or hormonal imbalances. Nonetheless, consider these things first if you want to produce healthy offspring. Medical advancements have enabled doctors to treat most of these symptoms that hinder fertility.

Treatments and Procedures

Although changing the semen parameters to achieve fertility using medical means previously had minimal success rates, it has improved significantly over the years.

IVF and ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection changed male fertility treatments dramatically. These methods proved an efficient aid to egg fertilization. Because sperm defects are a natural hindrance to pregnancy, these medical procedures have become the best option for couples trying to build their own family.

Healthy Male Reproduction

The same with females aiming to achieve pregnancy, men should also follow certain practices to improve their health and wellness. Maintaining a healthy body can do wonders for their reproductive fitness.

Avharmfuloxic practices like drinking, smoking, drug abuse, and obesity also contribute to male infertility. The best way to gain a healthy body with even sexual functions is through diet and exercise. Consuming fruits and vegetables, and engaging in regular intercourse, can help keep your sperm count healthy on average.

Certain habits such as wearing tight underwear, extensive hot baths, and prolonged sitting can affect their fertility. Better sperm quality requires a particular temperature and condition to generate. The reason the testes hang outside the body is to fashion that environment, precisely.

Infertility and Medical Attention

With today’s rapid growth in technology, formerly untreatable conditions are developing cures by the hour. In other words, proper medical attention is all you need to receive the right treatment. Multiple procedures such as IVF, ICSI are now available to assist egg fertilization.

You can overcome factors of male infertility through the correct processes and diagnostics. That is why it is vital to a couple who are yearning for a child to take the necessary steps. Couples who were infertile are now able to conceive with the help of newly developed assisted conception techniques.

Couples should not immediately close their doors to pregnancy when an issue arises. There are many ways to help overcome these factors that hinder you from building your own family.

Jamie Moses

Jamie Moses founded Artvoice in 1990

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