2024 is already moving quickly. Last year, Congress made little substantive progress on legislation, but this year we aim to focus their attention on key actions that are needed to protect the Great Lakes.
Our 2024 priorities focus on invasive species, fixing our failing water infrastructure, stopping plastic pollution, preventing harmful algal blooms, and ensuring funding for Great Lakes restoration.
You’ll hear from:
- Molly Flanagan, Alliance for the Great Lakes’ COO and Vice President for Programs
- Don Jodrey, the Alliance’s Director of Federal Relations
- Don Carr, the Alliance’s Media Director (moderator)
You can submit questions in advance or during the webinar.
Thank you for all you do for the lakes.
Don Jodrey
Director of Federal Relations
P.S. Can’t make it March 14? Register for the webinar, and we’ll send you a link to the recording after it’s over.
Protecting Water, Sustaining Life
The Alliance for the Great Lakes is a nonpartisan nonprofit working across the region to protect our most precious resource: the fresh, clean, and natural waters of the Great Lakes.