BUFFALO PINOCCHIO, new adaptation of the classic story written and directed by Richrd Lambert, starring Todd Fuller, David Adamczyk, Betsy Bittar, Frank LaVoie, Joni Russ, Mary Moebius, Mark Bogumil, Suzanne Fitzery, Kathleen Ashwill, Leonard Ziolkowski. Nov 25-Dec 17, Thu-Sat at 8. New Phoenix Theatre, 95 Johnson Park (853-1334).
MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET, adapted by Mountain Community Theater from the novel by Valentine Davies presented by Theatre in the Mist, directed by Emily Pici, starring Ron Ashker, Anne Kurtis, John Jacoby, Rhett Durgan. Nov 25- Dec 3, Fri & Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2. Stella Niagara Education Park, 4421 Lower River Road, Lewiston. (1-877-856-0694)
NUNCRACKERS: THE NUNSENSE CHRISTMAS MUSICAL, musical by Dan Goggin presented by Rocking Horse Productions, directed by Leigha Eichhorn, starring Christina Doyle, Gail Graesser, Liz Staley, Artie Vanderpool, Alexandria Watts. Nov 25-Dec 11, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:30 (Nov 26 at 2:30 instead of 7:30). Lancaster Opera House, 21 Central Ave., Lancaster (683-1776).
THE BETSY CARMICHAEL CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, world premiere original comedy conceived & written by Mary Kate O’Connell & Joey Bucheker, presented by O’Connell & Company, directed by O’Connell, starring Betsy Carmichael, Jerry Mosey, Adam M. Wall, Corey Bieber, Sean Murphy. Through Dec 18, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2:30. The Park School, 4625 Harlem Road, Snyder (848-0800).
A MIDSUMMER’S DYKE’S DREAM, comedy by Shawn P. Northrip presented by Buffalo United Artists and Brazen-Faced Varlets, directed by Lara D. Haberberger, starring Heather Fangsrud, Jennifer Gembka, Stefanie Warnick, Haberberger. Through Dec 10, Fri & Sat at 8. Alleyway Theatre’s Main Street Cabaret, 672 Main St. (886-9239).
ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO’S NEST, drama by Dale Wasserman, adapted from the book by Ken Kesey, presented by Subversive Theatre, directed by Michael Lodick, starring Thomas LaChiusa, Victor Morales, Diane DiBernardo-Blenk. Through Dec 3, Thu-Sat at 8. Manny Fried Playhouse, 255 Great Arrow Ave., third floor (408-0499).
TENDERLY: THE ROSEMARY CLOONEY MUSICAL, by Janet Yates Vogt & Mark Friedman, directed by Doug Weyand, starring Louis Colaiacovo, Debbie Pappas. Through Dec 4, Wed & Thu at 7, Fri at 7:30, Sat at 3:30 & 7:30, Sun at 2. MusicalFare Theatre, 4380 Main St., Amherst (839-8540).
RHAPSODY, immersive multimedia theater experience presented by Torn Space in collaboration with Flatsitter, directed by Dan Shanahan and Melissa Meola, starring Bonnie Jean Taylor, Becky Globus, Dechen Dolkar, Diane Gaidry. Through Nov 27, Fri-Sun at 7. Adam Mickewicz Library and Dramatic Circle, 612 Fillmore Ave. (812-5733).
THE CHIMES: A Goblin Story world-premiere adaptation written and directed by John Hurley, starring Andrea Andolina, Gerry Maher, Lisa Vitrano, Nick Lama, Steve Brachmann. Dec 2-18, Thu-Sat at 7:30, Sun at 2. Road Less Traveled Theater, 500 Pearl St. (629-3069).
A CHRISTMAS CAROL, adapted and directed by Neal Radice, starring David C. Mitchell, Stephanie Bax, Michelle Holden, Noah Doktor, Shawn Calmes, Allison Barsi, Roger VanDette, David G. Poole, Jerry Hudson, Joyce Stilson, James Cichocki. Dec 8-18, Thu & Fri at 7:30, Sat at 5 & 8, Sun at 2. Alleyway Theatre, One Curtain Up Alley (852-2600).
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, musical by Finn, Sheinkin, & Feldman, presented by Niagara University Theatre, directed by Steven Braddock. Dec 1-11, Thu at 7, Fri at 7:30, Sat at 2 & 7:30, Sun at 2. Leary Theatre in Clet Hall, NU campus (286-8685).