Reforming Washington a Key to Beating Kirsten Gillibrand in November
New York, New York – Citing the dire need to change the way business is done in Washington, U.S. Senate candidate Chele Farley today filed petitions with the state Board of Elections to appear on the Reform Party ballot line in November.
Farley, already a candidate on the Republican and Conservative lines, said, “The Reform Party agenda of real term limits, increasing citizen participation in representative government and enlarging the number of voices in the democratic process is a key to achieving real change in Washington.”
Frank Morano, Secretary and spokesman for the Party said, “”Hell No!’ is not a strategy for the people of our state or anyone else. New Yorkers need a strong leader in Washington who is focused on the job of being Senator first, fighting for real reform and bringing home our fair share. I know Chele Farley will be that leader.”
The Reform Party, posted a strong effort in filing over twice the number of signatures necessary to qualify Farley for the ballot. While only 14 Congressional Districts are required by law, the petitions filed today included signatures representing New York’s 23 out of 27 congressional districts.
Concluded Farley, “I want to thank the leadership and members of the Reform Party for their strong support. I am looking forward to delivering the Reform Party message to voters across our state and bringing the real change we need to Washington.”