Please consider joining Waterkeeper’s RestoreCorps team to help us install 72 trees/shrubs within a newly created ‘natural regeneration’ area. For the past 4 years, Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper has been leading a re-forestation effort at multiple locations within Ellicott Creek Park. This autumn, we will be hosting the final planting events of this multi-year effort. We would love to have you join us for the following planting event we have scheduled for next week!
Ellicott Creek Park:DATE: Saturday, October 29thRAIN DATE: Saturday, November 5thTIME: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
During this event, volunteers will be planting, mulching, and watering trees and shrubs using a combination of hand tools (garden trowels, and or/hori hori tools) and larger tools (shovels, edgers, and wheelbarrows). Our goal is to install 72 plants over the course of the 2-hour planting event, which means each volunteer should expect to plant between 3-4 plants depending on the size/type during the event.
The plantings will occur within existing restoration areas, so volunteers should be able to walk on uneven ground and be able to kneel and bend as needed to accomplish the planting tasks. If you intend to register, please arrive about 15 minutes early to allow enough time to park and sign-in prior to the start of the planting event. Thank you so much for your help and dedication to restoring our waterways. We look forward to seeing you out there! Visit our event page below to view the events and see more details:
If you have any difficulties with the link above, or any questions about the event, please contact Robert Coady ( truly appreciate all the hard work our volunteers do to help Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper achieve its goals, and wouldn’t be able to achieve our goals without the dedication, hard work, and support from people like you! Programs like these are made possible through sponsors and donations, so please consider donating!