Buffalo United Artists CLOSING WEEKEND – A Great Wilderness by Samuel D. Hunter

September 21, 2023


After decades as the gentle-natured leader of a Christian retreat that endeavors to “cure” gay teens, Walt is packing up his life and preparing for a reluctant retirement. But when his final client quietly disappears into the remote Idaho wilderness, Walt discovers that his previously unwavering moral compass no longer points the way. With profound humanity and subtlety, A Great Wilderness navigates complex moral terrain, exploring the shifting motives and inconstant strength of our personal convictions.


Michael Starzynski as Walt

Jonathan Beckner as Daniel

Diane Di Bernardo as Abby

Jon May as Tim

Kerrykate Abel as Eunice

Emily Yancey as Janet

Drew McCabe, Director



Fridays at 7:30 p.m. & Saturdays at 5:00 p.m.

September 1st – September 23rd

Jamie Moses

Jamie Moses founded Artvoice in 1990

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