Celebrity Scapegoat: Actor Joe Gatt Clears Name, DDA Brunson’s Tactics Questioned

February 15, 2024

When actor Joe Gatt was arrested in April 2022, some 150 American news outlets reported the shocking story.

Headlines appeared such as: “Game of Thrones actor charged with ‘contact with a minor for a sexual offense.'”

The arrest followed a so-called “investigation” by the LAPD’s Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, which alleged Gatt had engaged in sexually explicit chats with a minor online. The actor was subsequently released on $5,000 bail. He had pleaded not guilty to the charges.

When the case was dismissed last Friday because it was proven the accuser fabricated the whole story, even creating fictitious text threads, Snapchat messages, and Photoshop images of the actor, only the British Daily Mail and the Frank Report bothered to inform the public of this news.

Gatt Canceled

With his arrest two years ago, he was canceled, his agent quit, his movie roles recast, and he found himself in hell.

Gatt, 52, who had parts in ThorStar Trek Into Darkness, Dumbo, Game of Thrones , BansheeTeen WolfRay Donovan, and NCIS: New Orleans, found himself suddenly without work.

Actor Joe Gatt

Online Search Results

The media now should “uncancel” him.

If one does an online search now, they quickly find the hundred-plus stories of his arrest and court appearances, leaving a person with the impression that there are plenty of articles against him and little to show the truth. The truth is that Joe Gatt is not a criminal, but a victim of a criminal: a 19-year-old false accuser identified only as LT of Kent, Washington.

In my last article, I explained how the lying conniver, LT, tried to destroy a man who never did anything to hurt her. In fact, he did not even know her.

See: ‘Game of Thrones’ Actor Joseph Gatt Cleared of Sex Abuse Charges: The Collapse of a Malicious Prosecution

A Dubious Prosecutor

But there are other nefarious players in this false and malicious prosecution. One of them is former LA Deputy District Attorney Angela Brunson.

Deputy District Attorney Angela Brunson.

The Gatt case lasted almost two years, from arrest to dismissal. The now 19-year-old accuser LT is going on with her life, and the prosecutor, Angela Brunson, has since transferred to the Riverside County DA’s office.

DDA Angela Brunson

FR plans to expose this case as a textbook example of malicious and incompetent prosecution.

How the Case Unraveled

Let’s look at a few details of the case that the media ought to report, but probably won’t:

The reality is that LT created fantasy conversations between her and Gatt and lied to her friends that she was having a sexting affair with a famous actor.

Amazingly, the LA police did not use the evidence on her phone or computer to press charges, but relied on photos of screenshots of the alleged texts and photographs of Gatt.

The criminally-minded LT never had contact with Gatt beyond a purchased Cameo video where Gatt innocently wished her a happy birthday (with no suggestive comments) and a few polite responses to her fan messages on Gatt’s Instagram. That was it.

Gatt did not even know she harbored perverted fantasies about him.

He didn’t know her name until he found he was under investigation for something he had not done – and no one would listen to his protestations of innocence.

It was a Kafkaesque nightmare. Especially when the LA police SWAT team raided his house at 4:30 AM and found nothing incriminating on his computer. Nothing on his phone.

Strangely, the prosecutor, Brunson, was present at the raid – something highly unconventional.

Brunson’s Motives

Brunson wanted Gatt; she wanted him badly, and it was hard initially to figure out why.

Sure, the accuser, the deceptive LT, then 16-years-old, had told Brunson that the texts and photos came from Gatt. However, a good prosecutor could have determined that LT had used Photoshop to fabricate the supposed texts and images.

It took Gatt’s retained forensic technologist, Jeffrey Fischbach, to do the job the LA DA should have done before charges were ever brought.

Attorney Cole, Jeff Fischbach, Joe Gatt, and his  girlfriend, Mercy Malick

One of Fischback’s discoveries was that there were multiple versions of the same text conversations, likely as LT perfected her script before showing it to her friends.

However, the LAPD did not demand the original images, which they could have examined to determine that they all originated from LT’s computer and phone. Instead they were given, and trusted, photos of LT’s phone displaying the alleged communications. If they had gotten the actual images of Gatt — semi-nude — which prosecutors claimed Gatt sent her (based on LT’s word alone) instead of screenshots, the metadata would have shown that the original photos were HBO stills from Gatt’s appearance on the TV show Banshee, and that LT added Adobe Photoshop filters to change the images to make them obscene.

Deviant Minds

The young lady is a pervert. So, perhaps, is the prosecutor Brunson.

And in their warped sense of justice, they tried to make Gatt the perverted one.

This case sputtered and should have died after the various conversations on the girl’s screenshots were not corroborated when they searched Gatt’s computer, telephone, and subpoenaed records from his Google and Instagram accounts.

The girl lied. But that didn’t matter to Deputy District Attorney Brunson. She appeared to have an axe to grind. One of the axes she had to sharpen was that Gatt, the actor, was also a race car owner, just like her boyfriend.

It must have annoyed Brunson that Gatt had so many sponsorships and endorsements that he paid nothing for this typically expensive hobby while she and her boyfriend couldn’t obtain the endorsements, and it drained their bank accounts to pay for their all-consuming hobby.

Brunson admitted online that much of her salary went to paying for her race car hobby.

Social Media Prosecutor

A look at Brunson’s social media makes one wonder about the maturity or integrity she brings to the DA’s office.

She switched from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office during this case, after an embarrassing attempt to revoke Gatt’s bail through what looks like suborning perjury. That move apparently cost her more than $100,000 per year in salary. We’ll be investigating this more fully in a subsequent story.

Before her retreat from the case, Brunson pushed it hard, even grooming  LT to keep her on board when the future criminal expressed reluctance to go forward with her lies and pursue criminal charges.

There are many stories to come in this anatomy of a false prosecution. This post is to help you meet the players. You will meet them all, including the despicable LT.

Meanwhile, meet the prosecutor Angela Brunson, who calls herself a slut and wears it proudly on her clothing. And BTW, she “loves the cock.”

All of this is perhaps an amiable failing. But keep in mind she prosecutes sex crimes.

DDA Angela Brunson (left)
DDA Angela Brunson loves cars
DDA Angela Brunson, from social media

Judge for yourself what maturity and integrity she brings to the Riverside District Attorney’s Office and formerly the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.

The New DDA

After she left the office, DDA Michael Fern took over the case. He wasn’t eager to drop the case because the LA DA doesn’t like to dismiss cases against innocent people. They have to keep their conviction stats high. However, he had to unload this heap of crap that Brunson left him with.

The showdown was last Friday at the preliminary hearing, presided over by LA Superior Court Judge M.L. Villar.

Fern brought in the LAPD detectives, even the forensic person who should have done the proper investigation in the first place. They were ready to demolish, destroy, and get Gatt.

Unfortunately for the prosecutors, Gatt had retained Jeff Fishbach, one of the leading forensic technologists in the United States, if not the world, and he gave the prosecutor, the detectives, and their forensic expert a little come-to-Jesus moment.

Forensic technologist Jeff Fischbach

Fischbach showed them some of his 180-page PowerPoint presentation culled from 7000 pages of LA DA’s discovery. It proved beyond a doubt that LT, now 19 and old enough to know better, was a liar and a criminal at heart who ought to be put in jail, just like anyone else who kidnapped a man’s life for two years and tried to put him in prison for another five years.

The LA District Attorney knew they had a weak case and offered plea deals to Gatt, which included no prison, just probation, and a lifetime on the sex offender registry for a crime he did not commit.

The resolute Gatt, to his credit, turned every offer down.

And the LADA was forced to drop the case after running into something they never expected – Jeff Fischbach.

No Crime By Gatt

As for Gatt, his only crime was to do a Cameo video wishing a girl happy birthday, and the fact that a prosecutor who ran in the same circles had a boyfriend in competition with Gatt for sponsorships (Brunson was partly successful, Gatt lost all his sponsorships).

But the worm has turned.

Prosecutors are not immune from subornation of perjury and egregious misconduct, which I plan to reveal in subsequent stories. Evidence may lead to her disbarment.

The actual crime was that the LA Police never insisted on getting the original photographs and text messages. If these had undergone a forensic investigation, they would have seen, as did Gatt’s forensic technologist Eschbach, that these were fraudulent texts.

They prosecuted this case for years. They arrested a man and put him through hell, based not on original forensic evidence but photographs of screenshots.

Lying behind this despicable injustice is not only the vile coward LT, but members of her family, including her brother-in-law, who may have smelled a pot of gold at the end of this rancid rainbow. It may recoil on them. Indeed, there’s a chance they’ll be defendants in a lawsuit, and this will ensure that this false accuser LT does not hurt others.

Later in our series, we’ll focus on other players. But now, let’s look at Brunson.

The Bizarre Brunson

I’ve taken the liberty to capture some screenshots of her publicly available photographs on social media in case they get deleted tomorrow.

I’ll leave it up to the reader to judge what kind of role model Brunson was for LT and what sort of signal Brunson sends to the public as the Deputy District Attorney of the Riverside County District Attorney’s office.

“Raunchy” just got a new picture to help illustrate its meaning. Yes, this is the woman responsible for prosecuting online sex crimes.
Someone should advise this lady that this is anything but enticing.


If the average picture speaks a thousand words, this one offers at least 1500.
Yoga, anyone?

We are not slut shaming; we are slut naming…

A very cheeky girl…

Wild-eyed and bushy-tailed?
Such a nice little lass – she thinks. But some would call it an ass clown…

In most licensed professions, a social media output like this would warrant a mental health checkup, or at least an admonishment about how this conduct contradicts her professional role. In the case of Angela Brunson and her egregious misconduct in the false prosecution of Joe Gatt it calls into question her motives, her competence and her honesty.

DDA Angela Brunson profile says she handles online child sexual abuse cases

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