Farley: Like NXIVM, more abuse in Gillibrand’s “backyard” Esty a #MeToo Congresswoman has spoken out in defense of Gillibrand

April 5, 2018

Esty a #MeToo Congresswoman has spoken out in defense of Gillibrand

New York, New York –  Chele Farley, candidate for U.S. Senate, called on Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to end her silence and join her in calling for the resignation of Congresswoman Esty for not protecting female staffers who said they experienced violence, death threats and sexual harassment by her former chief of staff.

“Every employer has a responsibility to provide a safe work environment for their employees and those elected to public office should hold themselves to an even higher standard. It’s time for Kirsten Gillibrand to get off the sidelines, Congresswoman Esty has dismally failed to meet any standard and should resign,” said Farley.

Esty has been under intense criticism for allegations by a former employee that had been harassed and physically harmed by former chief of staff Tony Baker. Esty reportedly required Baker to receive counseling and conducted an internal review of her office practices, only later to learn a pattern of behavior by Baker affecting many female staffers.

According to the allegations, Baker had and once punched the woman while in Esty’s Washington office and threatened to “…f—–g kill…” the staffer if she didn’t reply to a request.

Pressure from Connecticut Democrats on Esty has grown in recent days. On Saturday, Connecticut Senate President Martin Looney joined at least six other state Democrats in calling for Esty to resign.

“Whether it’s NXIVM, David Boies or Vito Lopez we know Kirsten Gillibrand only speaks out when it’s in her political interest or she has no options,” said Farley.

Esty, is a self described “champion of women’s rights” who had spoken out forcefully in defense of Gillibrand in her dispute with President Trump.

Concluded Farley, “Kirsten Gillibrand failed the women in her own backyard who were abused by NXIVM, will she fail the women of Congress?”

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