It has not been much reported – other than Artvoice and my blog that covers the cult NXIVM, that actress Grace Park is a longstanding member of the sex-slaver group.
Park, best known for her TV roles on Hawaii Five-0 and Battlestar Gallactica was not a main member of the cult. She was a coach – and recruited women into the notorious group but she was not involved in the day-to-day sex trafficking and was not likely a branded slave.
I reported this on several posts.
On April 8, I received an email from someone using email address:
He, or maybe it was a ‘she’, was going by the name George Lopez and was extremely interested in Grace Park.
At first I took the email at face value.
The first email
April 8, 20018
I have been reading your articles about nxivm, I am surprised by all of these allegations. I was a an electrician on H 50 [Hawaii 5-0] and saw Grace damn near every day. She was always a nice lady and I have known many actors who have gone thru the same crap with EST years ago in NYC. I know that many of them are vulnerable people for the life of me I wish I understood it.
I know that Grace is a very private person, she was always up for a laugh on the set or occasional drink at the bar with the cast and crew. None of us on the set heard anything about this and now most of us cannot believe this. She wore a bikini so often we all doubted that she was branded.
When she left 5-0 she was more interested in only doing a few shows a year and was interested in other projects but mainly wanted to return to her family as she has always been close to them. Its something we all knew about her. I included her sister and mother and father. Even after she gave birth to her son some of us knew she would leave because of her close ties to Vancouver.
I image she is going to have to testify. I read that many times that she has called you and asked to remove her name. Is she hiding the fact that she was deeply involved? Grace befriended me only on the set but she did that with most of the shooting crew. I don’t want to send her an email until I know the truth. Please this is disheartening … what else can you tell me… please…. I consider her a friend.
I assumed George Lopez was sincere
I replied to him by email:
Hi George
I don’t think she was branded. I think she is terrified. I don’t know why. There is probably more to the story. I don’t think she is a bad person. Just very afraid. Maybe for her career or maybe because they have something on her. Maybe reaching out to her would be a good idea.
George responded:
That would make a lot of sense that she’s afraid. The first year on the set she was kind of quiet. So of course I will reach out to her, it might help her to see something positive about her in your reports. She is a bit of a shy lady, I will reach out to her,
Thinking he/she was also sincere about Grace liking something positive about her, I invited him to do so:
Maybe you could write a little memoir about her. I’d be glad to publish it
George misinterpreted this, and wrote:
I would never write about anyone who i consider a friend including someone I had the pleasure of knowing on the set. Nor would I ever open up about someone like Grace as I knew while working with them. I have always considered her as a terrific lady.
A lot of people in H wood community love selling out or writing about people whether good or bad. I have to say your articles have been less than forgiving, I would never ask to publish something about anyone I have worked with without their permission. We all stick together. I would like you to consider your words carefully. We have all done things in our past that we would like to forget. I am not saying that Grace participated in some of those events. I give her the benefit of the doubt.
I know I will hear from Grace as we have traded a few emails, but not over this. Yet. What bothers me is that you published articles about her without very much proof. It seems you only have her talking to the ‘worm’ in the videos. If I had to to chose between your reports which I gather are partially true and your confession of not really knowing bothers me.
Grace is someone who been in my life for almost 7 years at a distance…without her permission I will never out her, but it seems the only thing you know is that she was interviewed…… I hope you are not a liz smith
George misunderstood nearly everything I had written. I tried to clarify:
I have spoken with Grace several times and to sources inside the cult who knew her role there. I understand she is your friend but she was in the cult and she participated in it. She did not i am sure act as a sex slave – but she has known about it and did not speak out.
George Knew A Lot About Grace
George replied to my email.
participated how[?]. I just got an email from her saying she only did in the interview that was on the internet. According to her she left the minute she found out that women were being used as sex slaves.
Her role was only to agree to the interview with Keith as she was trying to cope with fame. [Redacted] was the one who got her involved because Grace was trying to cope with being famous and she was having trouble at home. She says she had nothing to do with bringing more women into the cult. No different than anyone being taken by credit card fraud, being gullible. She claims that when she meet with Keith he was honest and only talked with her over troubles, claiming to be an honest broker.
Well that was his cover. Her plan was to leave 5-0 at the end of season 7 because she was tired of living in Hawaii and wanted to make changes, We all know what happened. She had no idea going into this that such insanity was going on and left when she learned of it.
Now that’s what I got from her. She is afraid. And who can blame her. I have to trust what she says, if you have more inside information as how far she was involved. I gather she was the one that called you.
George offers money to take down info about Grace Park
I did not reply. His email seemed to require no response. I soon forgot about George Lopez.
Eleven days later, on April 19, I received this from George:
how much do you want? you make it disappear… how much name a price.
I get hundreds of emails. A lot of them are cranks. I ignored the email. [I should have questioned why some guy who barely knows Grace Park would want to pay money to take down info on her on my website?] The following day, I got another email from George [or whoever he or she is]. It came after I was reporting that Allison Mack was arrested.
George Turns Ugly
your record sucks as a human…..what you forgot to mention is this
Battlestar Galactica actresses Grace Park and Smallville star Kristin Kreuk were member of the organization at one point. However, Park and Kreuk have since cut ties, with the latter leaving the group in 2012.
i only hope you die a slow and painful death you fucking cocksucking piece of shit….
I responded:
Who are you coward? Park did not leave the cult in 2012. Kreuk lied about her role – the two – both got a lot of people in and I’m going to write that – unless of course it is you who plan to provide that slow death.
George fired back:
what are you gaining by this…[?] what’s your fucking angle….[?]
George linked articles about the 2015 federal criminal indictment against me – starting with one in my publication — Artvoice . Perhaps George thought I was hiding the fact I was indicted.
Before I could respond, he wrote:
I wrote back:
[I] will be writing extensively about Grace Park and Kristin Kreuk
George fired back:
Grace is my distant friend I don’t know the other woman [Kristin Kreuk] at all … it’s all about money to you.
how much… much do you want… [?] was liz smith your mother? POS
Then he fired off another email:
you’re a crook and you know it.
Then another – with just a link: Parlato facing 19-count federal indictment
Then another with the same story:
George backtracks
Then George – in his next email – pulled the old ‘switcheroo.’ The “I’m-not-the-guy-I-originally-said-I-was”. He wrote:
you blew this one big time…my guess is you won’t print this nor will you own up to it….. you are outed…. some fucking detective you are….. did you look at IMBD? did you see my name listed under Hawaii Five 0…[?] You are so taken with yourself that you actually believe you were talking with someone Grace knows… so how’s it taste[?]
Like you, I LIED…..everything you have said will be reprinted….on the internet. some fucking reporter you are…. nothing but a cheesy crook who got taken
Then George [or Grace?] added in a follow up email:
would you like your shit sandwich with mayo lettuce and fries?
Then George sent the same story again adding:
print this you POS so everyone knows who you are
And put the same story again as a link:
I replied
I am going to post your original email and all your other emails including your death threat to me.
Lopez: there was no death threat
Frank: there most certainly was and I am forwarding your emails to the FBI agent who is working on this case.
George: ok
A few moments later he wrote another email: en cualquier momento [‘anytime’]
That was the last I heard from George Lopez
I wonder if this person who wrote me is really a man named George Lopez or someone else? He or she seemed awfully worked up about Grace Park – for such a distant friend as he claimed to be.
As for me being shy about writing about my indictment, the tipping point for me, the motive for me to develop the Frank Report, was because I was indicted. I believe my indictment was brought about by Keith Raniere ordering Clare Bronfman to perjure herself in a grand jury to get me indicted.
As for hiding my story, it might be a hard argument to make. I wrote so many articles about my case that the US Attorney in the Western District NY made a motion for a gag order before Magistrate Judge Jeremiah McCarthy. The motion was denied.
I don’t know how many defendants have the DOJ worry over them writing about their own case too much – that they have to try for a gag order.
But I did not bother to tell George this. I did not feel he had the comprehension. George or whomever this is – maybe someone from NXIVM – maybe a friend of Grace Park or Grace herself – must think that I am easily frightened.
Not easily.
I’m a big Grace Park fan. I just don’t get why she hasn’t made a public statement about this sex trafficking cult. Come out and denounce this sick group. Kreuk did it, why won’t Grace? And so strange that on Hawaii 5-0 her character left Hawaii to fight human trafficking. Very bizarre coincidence. I hope she will at some time denounce NXIVM.
DOS masterminded by pervert Raniere and his brainwashed female sidekicks is sad and disgusting. I feel sorry for all the women who were victimised by NXIVM. I can’t believe that these women actually helped Raniere to grow a sex slave harem and are willing to go to jail for him. They were willing to do all this for a guy that looks like middle aged has been. All I can say is that he must be very persuasive and manipulating. As for the other comment from Karen: I thought Allison looked compassionate and persuasive in her role in Smallville but just look what she has gotten up to behind closed doors; never judge a book by it’s cover.
Grace Park had an amazing role on Hawaii 5-O where sge was extremely emotional about saving the lives of young women being sold into the sex slave. I consider this role her most persuasive and compassionate. I would never imagine that Grace Park would be any part in sex slave or trade.