Jim Ostrowski

The Best Drug Store In Town

Your local government high school is often the best drug store in town. Government schools are the key distribution point for illegal drugs in
June 2, 2016

Dr. Scapegoat, I Presume?

The war on human beings who use, sell or possess drugs (private property), is, from the perspective of reason or morality, dead.
May 19, 2016

Raising the Jury from the Dead

Jurors in this state and throughout the United States are firmly told by judges they must follow the judge’s instructions “on the law,” but
May 12, 2016

Tear Down the Skyway?

Eventually, we should move away from expressways inside the city limits and toward arterials with a higher speed limit than 30 mph. Concerns about
May 5, 2016

Trumping the Left

What better topic to introduce my new column in this paper than Trump’s visit to Buffalo Monday night? So there I was, in the
April 21, 2016